Vitamin Junkies - Are you one?

Vitamin Junkies - Are you one?
Constantly we are reminded that our diets should consist of fresh fruits, raw and cooked fresh vegetables and that these foods are the best foods for us to help us maintain optimum health.

More and more research is being released that finds there are ever increasing benefits from vitamins, anti oxidants, phytochemicals, minerals and/or fibre.

Many people would remember the saying "an apple a day keeps the doctor away". Or like me, recall hearing their parents say "Eat your vegetables, they're good for you."
Well it appears these saying's and pieces of advice are true.

Sadly though most of us don't eat nearly as well as we should be and some of us don't even try. Recent stats show less that 10% of us eat five servings of fresh raw fruits and vegetables a day (the recommended intake). There seems no one else to blame other than ourselves as it seems more of us a re saying comments like: "It's too hard", "I'm just so busy", "I can't be bothered preparing all of that", "They taste awful" and "being healthy is too expensive". So inevitably more and more people of all ages are reaching for a vitamin and mineral supplement to try and replace the benefits of fruits and vegetables.

Custom-blendedpills appear to be the latest, most popular supplement that claims to assist the busy person's diet in to becoming healthier. One of the leading brands is made from real fruit and vegies with a recommended dosage of four capsules a day. This is equal to approximately 40 grams of fruits and vegetables. However, dietary guidelines suggest we need at least 600 grams a day, not forgetting the fact that the bulk and fibre received from actually eating these foods is foregone when just swallowing a pill.

Certainly nobody is suggesting that the occasional Vitamin B after a night out partying too hard isn't going to help, or that taking some extra Vitamin C doesn't ward off a winter cold.

But what the experts are worrying about is that we are becoming a population of Vitamin Junkies. Relying on these pills and supplements instead of eating the "Real thing" is not good for our health in the long term.

So think twice next time you reach for the vitamin bottle. Decide if you would prefer a nice fresh crunchy apple to munch on, a vitamin filled banana or a tasty mixed salad.
Fruits are fast food and a salad really does take no time to prepare.

And remember: you are never too young to start eating healthy!

- Michelle Palmer (


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