Performance Training and Horsemanship

Performance Training and Horsemanship

Holistic Equitation – Horse and Owner Relationship Specialists


Teaching people how to have a lasting REALationship through, feeling, intuition and peacefulness!

Dear Horse Loving Friends,

As a dedicated team of highly skilled individuals we bring you a fresh and holistic approach to training and communicating with horses. In our experience, we find that people who are drawn to us are looking for more than what's on offer by the majority of horse trainers and clinicians. They are usually, but not always, not interested in equestrian competition. The people we teach have a bigger picture in mind and that is the relationship and well being of their horse. They love to ride their horses, but hold the integrity of the relationship as paramount.

We will say it straight up, as to not waste time, we don't think like the masses and we don't teach like the masses and therefore we don't have the results like the masses. Instead, we work with individuals and groups who have evolved past a place of their own needs and are now wishing to explore a deeper experience with their sentient being friends. The awareness we teach enables people to develop a stronger, more authentic line of communication, improving ground and riding skills beyond their expectation.

What we teach is more of a transformational experience of self through the path of the horse.

Our goal is to show people the beauty and personal power they hold within themselves and how this can be reflected in their relationship with their horses and of course all relationships.

When you find your inner balance and peace this reflects in all aspects of your interaction with your horse.

Our experiences, collectively has shown us many aspects of life such as happiness/sadness, death/birth, joy/struggle and peace/anger.  We have had life experiences that have had equal balances of support and challenge which has made us who we are today. We are a team of strong, focused, successful women who have united with one cause in mind – to make life better on this planet for horses and their human friends.

Collectively, the team have been very fortunate to have studied  with some amazing world mentors in many complimentary fields such as  horse training, animal communication, healing, marketing and self development and  have dedicated a good part of their lives to self-improvement and teaching the principles they have learned along the way.

Holistic Equitation
2591 Euroa Mansfield road Merton 2591 Victoria.
M: 0419 333 659


Copyright © 2001 -, a Company - All rights reserved. 6-8 East Concourse, Beaumaris, Vic 3193, Australia.