Born between: Oct 23rd - Nov 21st
Scorpios are emotional and passionate which ensures they have strong relationships. They are often confident and determined; yet, their emotional and secretive nature can cause them to be jealous and misunderstood.
A task, perhaps job related or perhaps one of your own, might prove weightier than you expected. You're working too hard and you could be feeling tired and dejected, Scorpio. Exactly how crucial is it to get this done right now? If it isn't vital, get as much done as you can without compromising your well-being. Do the rest tomorrow. The world won't end if you take another day.
You should be feeling especially passionate now, Scorpio, especially regarding partnerships. Romantic partnerships definitely call for an evening alone together. Professional and creative ones, on the other hand, call for a new project that you both believe in. Look to events in distant states or foreign countries for inspiration. Something begun far away from home could capture your imagination.
All aspects of love and romance will go especially well today, Scorpio. You might take this opportunity to make a bold move toward the object of your affection. Go with an unconventional approach and move fearlessly. Your relationships will go well. Nurture your romantic side and communicate your feelings. Love will act suddenly and unexpectedly. Go with the flow.
Some unsettling news from far away could have you stressed out, Scorpio. This might affect your work if you aren't careful. Your mind may stray back and forth from work to the news and its implications. Stay focused. All signs are that whatever you've heard is likely to be far less troublesome than it appears right now. Don't fly off the handle until you know the facts.
It would be a good idea to socialize with others today in a comfortable, open setting. Say what you feel instead of just concentrating on what you think, Scorpio. Be just as good a listener as you expect others to be for you. Join a writing circle or take a painting class. Your creativity is looking for an outlet today, so you might as well share this gift among friends.
Your internal computer just got upgraded today and your head is buzzing with all kinds of new information, Scorpio. The good news is that you should be able to process all these bytes at lightning speed. Act swiftly and with great confidence. You can do anything. You could even talk your way into the White House for dinner.
A call from a romantic partner could lead to an intimate get-together, Scorpio. It's likely to be highly gratifying emotionally and bring you closer together. Passionate poetry and sexy novels could especially appeal to you right now. If you're into writing, you could channel your rush of sensuality into producing results that are so well thought out that they surprise even you. Get started!
To those around you, you might appear to be your usual logical, rational self, Scorpio. Actually, you may be drawing a lot of your ideas and insights from deep within your psyche. You're probably drawing on experiences from your past, even if you aren't consciously aware of it. Even though the source is unorthodox, whatever you come up with is likely to have a lot of practical value.
After a recent financial problem, you've decided to take the bull by the horns and do what you need to do. You're used to being in control of a situation, and small financial worries aren't going to get you down. After all, money isn't everything. On top of your ability to react to a problem, your originality and self-sacrificing attitude will help you deal with this situation.
It scares you when life seems like it's slipping through your fingers and you can't slow it down. But it isn't life that's playing tricks on you. You aren't seeing things as clearly as you should be. You feel a little left out, but don't worry. You're just out of energy. Try and think of this empty feeling inside as a kind of purification or a much-needed break from everything.
What would happen if you decided to take care of yourself today, Scorpio? This is what the planets are trying to tell you. You need to relax, to let yourself be taken care of, and close your eyes and dream. Leave the daily tasks behind. You need peace and quiet. Lie down and release all your worries. You don't need to act and you don't need to react. Just relax.
You may wonder why increased intuition has seemed to replace your usual logical self. An unexpected intellectual, spiritual, or metaphysical insight might come to you from another realm. It may seem so profound that you wonder if it really came from you. Write it down in detail. Whatever you come up with is going to keep you in the clouds all day, Scorpio. Don't trip or bump into anyone!
Don't try to sign up for a class over the phone or online today, Scorpio, as it probably won't work. This also isn't a good day to travel - delays are likely whether you fly or drive. If you've been planning a trip, don't finalize the arrangements now. Wait a few days, as computers and other equipment used in such arrangements are likely to malfunction, and you could end up frustrated.
Social events or group activities could prove more stimulating than usual, Scorpio. Discussions of every subject imaginable could take place around you, and you might have trouble deciding which ones you want to join. Your mind may be going the speed of light by the time the gathering ends. Walk home if time and weather permit. That should clear your head enough to let you sleep well.
In case you're surrounded by a lot of people today, you can look forward to a very harmonious day, Scorpio. Your sensitivity is higher than usual, so you will be better able to understand others and be understood as well. As a result, you add another bond to your relationships, which will create happiness and joy in your heart.