Junior Ranger Program

Junior Ranger Program

Join The Junior Ranger Fun These Summer Holidays

Parks Victoria's nature-based learning program inspires curiosity

Parks Victoria is inviting kids and their families to have fun learning in nature by joining a Junior Ranger activity this summer school holidays.

Park rangers host the free program which offers activities for children aged 6 to 12 and their families. It is designed to get kids outdoors and teach them about Victoria's wonderful plants, wildlife and amazing natural and cultural heritage.

Kids and families can watch tiny critters through microscopes on a Minibeast Discovery, follow clues to discover animals in the bush as a Wildlife Detective, or find out what lies beneath the water in a Rockpool Ramble.

"The variety of activities we run in our Junior Ranger program helps engage kids and families in exploring the natural world around them," said Parks Victoria Education and Interpretation Officer, James Adams.

"At Parks Victoria, we believe that nature is essential for human health and wellbeing, and everyone should have the opportunity to connect with nature, especially children."

"Spending time playing and learning outdoors provides children with developmental benefits such as improved physical and mental health and social connections. All the activities are designed to inspire curiosity," said James.

Six-year-old Anna Wood has been to five Junior Rangers activities and looks forward to them every school holidays.

"I love being a Junior Ranger because I get to learn hands-on about nature. My favourite experience was feeding a Tawny Frogmouth some dead chicken at Serendip Sanctuary," says Anna.

Maree Douglas, mother of Junior Ranger, Sebastian Brindle, says "We love the Junior Ranger events - it's so important for kids to be outside and learning about nature. Ranger Millie was fantastic with the kids and we can't wait for the next school holiday Junior Ranger program!"

All activities are free but bookings are essential and children must be accompanied by a parent or guardian at all sessions. Be the first to know what's on by signing up to the Junior Ranger Mailing List.

Check the website www.juniorrangers.com.au in mid-December for activity locations and dates, and to register your attendance.

For more information, call Parks Victoria on 13 1963.


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