Madi Busch

Madi Busch

Interview with Madi Busch

Madi Busch is a rising star from Sydney who is attending the Hollywood Immersive workshop with Lilly Dawson and Margie Haber. Madi recently filmed a Vodafone commercial and has had a guest role on an American TV series called Deadly Women where she had to use an American accent! You may have seen her on Nickelodeon where she is a presenter.

What inspired you to begin training in the acting industry?

Madi Busch: At the risk of a cliché, Nicole Kidman inspired me to enter the more serious acting industry, after seeing how a Sydney girl made it big time in Hollywood. It made me realise that if she could then I can too!

How long have you wanted to act for?

Madi Busch: I've wanted to act ever since my Kindergarten teacher put me as GoldiLocks in the school play. After that I was hooked!

What tips do you have for others wanting to get into the acting industry?

Madi Busch: Research good acting schools and agents in your area and try and get as much experience behind you as you can whether it be school plays, acting classes or commercials - it really helps you get a feel for the industry.

What do you enjoy most about acting?

Madi Busch: I love being able to escape into another world and portray characters you never thought you would be.

What acting have you done previously?

Madi Busch: I recently filmed a Vodafone commercial which is on air at the moment as well as just completing a six month contract as a Clearasil spokesperson. I had a guest role on an American TV series called Deadly Women last year and I've done other commercials over the years including ones for the department of health, I & J fish fingers and Foxtel as well as being a presenter on Nickelodeon.

Do you prefer performing on stage or in front of the camera?

Madi Busch: I prefer performing on camera purely because I like to interpret the character in realism rather than on stage.

What roles do you prefer to perform?

Madi Busch: I love playing unique roles which I would usually never experience throughout life, I loved playing the character Jenny in Deadly Women as I got to re enact a crime which took place in the 60's - this was also fun because we all had to use American accents!

Did you have any pre-conceived ideas about the acting industry?

Madi Busch: Starting out in the industry quite young I never really thought about whether it would be hard or not to get into the industry. The only thing that was on my mind was that it was fun and I loved doing it, if something's not fun it's not worth your time.

What actress/actors do you prefer to watch?

Madi Busch: I love watching Australian actors who are acting in American or English films - it's fun to watch their accent and try and pick up on the voice techniques they use to portray an actor with another accent. Also Daniel Radcliffe - he's brilliant!

If you could act beside any actor or actress who would you choose?

Madi Busch: Definitely Nicole Kidman, she was amazing in Moulin Rouge!

What has been your biggest challenge in regards to acting?

Madi Busch: My biggest challenge with acting was probably telling people that my career is and will always be acting! At first people would just look at me like I'm crazy for getting into such a hard industry, but now I love the strange reaction I get when somebody asks me what I want to do when I'm older.

What is a typical day like for you?

Madi Busch: Lately I've been pretty busy with auditions, classes, filming, sport and school! It can get really hard sometimes trying to fit everything in especially when filming dates clash with school assessments (my English teacher wasn't too happy!) But my acting comes before anything so I'm usually very busy every day - but that's the way I love it!

What's next for you?

Madi Busch: Next on the agenda is the trip to Hollywood to study with some amazing actors and acting coaches - then maybe an academy award? I'd like that (laughing)!

Can you tell us 5 things required for a happy healthy & enjoyable life?

Madi Busch: Passion - whether it be for sport, the arts, animals or anything to keep you sane every day
A goal - something you always have in the back of your mind
Crazy friends and family - who can always make you laugh and are always there for you
Sport - for me it's the cure for Everything! A swim can fix anything
Fantastic memories - that can always make you laugh or smile in the darker days

60 Second Quiz

>Full Name: Madi Busch
Nickname(s): Boooooooooosh! Or Madibusch as in one word... allot of people like to call me by my WHOLE name - apparently it has a "ring" to it!
Star Sign: Gemini
Favorite Food: Cereal, Tomato sauce, Mi goreng and Sushi... I can't choose!
Favorite Film: The Cove
Favorite Play: Definitely our school production directed by the brilliant Miss Hughes
Favorite Actor: Daniel Radcliffe

Favourite Actress: Nicole Kidman
Pet: Two rescue Chiwawa cross Foxy's called Nikki and Effie, a blind poodle called Benny, three fish called Acies, Piggy and Mac and a snail called Lebron.
Best Feature: I love my blue eyes and fair skin
Worst Feature: My nails! I need to stop biting them!
Person You Would Most Like to Meet: Einstein
Hobbies/Interests: Acting, Sport and Going to Sushi train
First Job: Dog walking with my gorgeous friend Chinny
What Can You Never Leave Home Without: My phone - I think I'm addicted!
What is the first thing you think of when you wake up in the morning: What day is it??


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