Terry's Dumb Dot Story

Terry's Dumb Dot Story

$141,613.27 has been raised to date as a result of sales of Terrys Dumb Dot Story, A Treehouse Short Story.

Pan Macmillan Australia, Andy Griffiths and Terry Denton, in partnership with Australia and New Zealand's leading booksellers, are thrilled to announce charitable donations as a result of sales of Terry's Dumb Dot Story, A Treehouse Short Story.

Published on February 27 and retailing for $2.00 (inc GST) in Australia and New Zealand, the full RRP amount for every copy invoiced (ex GST) was donated to the following Australian children's charities: The Indigenous Literacy Foundation (of which Andy is a Lifetime Ambassador), Dymocks Children's Charities, Australian Literacy and Numeracy Foundation, Save the Children, as well as Oxfam and the KidsCan Charitable Trust in New Zealand.

$141,613.27 has been raised to date and the main recipients are; $84,510 donated to The Indigenous Literary Foundation, $35,525.27 to Dymocks Children's Charities, $6,000 to KidsCan Charitable Trust and $10,826 to Oxfam New Zealand.

Andy and Terry are thrilled and have said, 'We are very happy that all the money raised from our silly little book will be used to make a big difference to children in need.'

Pan Macmillan Australia are delighted to acknowledge that this has been made possible by the donation of content, time and services from Andy and Terry, Alliance Distribution Services and Opus Printing Group. They would also like to thank the retailers who have joined all of us to support children's charities with a focus on literacy.

This announcement coincides with the release of the latest instalment in their bestselling Treehouse series, The 104-Storey Treehouse. Andy and Terry are in the midst of a national tour, with sell out audiences of 1,200+ in Australia and New Zealand.


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