Delcado, White Chocolate & Matcha Tiramisu Recipe

Delcado, White Chocolate & Matcha Tiramisu Recipe

A delicious spin on the classic tiramisu, this vibrant Delcado, White Chocolate and Matcha Tiramisu will add a little luxe to your festivities this Christmas. Filled with matcha-soaked biscuits and deliciously creamy Delcado white chocolate mousse, this simple and stunning dessert is set to be the star of the show over summer.


Serves 6

Prep time:30 minutes,plus overnight chilling



4 Delcado avocados

200g white chocolate

700ml thickened cream

1 tsp vanilla paste

Zest & juiceof

1 lemon

2 tbsp maple syrup

2 tbsp matcha

24 Savioardi (ladyfinger biscuits)

1/3 cup icing sugar

1 tbsp milk



1.In a small pan, heat 200ml of the cream to scalding. Make sure not to boil it.

2.Place the white chocolate into a bowl, pour over the hot cream and stir to make a smooth mixture. Chill overnight.

3.Place the white chocolate cream into a mixer with whisk attachment and add the remaining cream. Whisk to soft peaks and set aside in the fridge.

4.Spoon the Delcado flesh into a blender along with the vanilla, lemon zest and juice, maple syrup and blend to a smooth puree. Gently fold this through the whipped white chocolate cream until thoroughly incorporated.

5.In a bowl, whisk together 1 tbsp of matcha with 2 cups of just boiled water.

6.Working with one Savioardi at a time, very quickly dip it into the matcha liquid, making sure you don't over-soak it, and place it onto the base of your serving dish. Repeat until you've covered the base of the dish with a single layer of soaked biscuits.

7.Spoon over half the Delcado white chocolate mousse and smooth out evenly. Sprinkle over a little matcha using a small fine sieve, then create another layer with the remaining Savioardi dipped in matcha. Cover with the remaining mousse, then chill for at least 1-2 hours to let it set.

8.To serve, dust the top with another layer of matcha using a fine sieve. 9.Optional –create a matcha icing by combining the icing sugar, milk and 1 tsp matcha. Serve in a small bowl,to drizzle over your tiramisu.


Delcados are the ideal choice for this dessert. Their smooth, buttery texture and nutty flavour makes for a perfectly creamy white chocolate mousse.You can also create individual serves by layering directly into glasses or jars, instead of one large bowl.



Recipe by Tom Walton for 

The Best Avocado


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