Australians not getting the 'quit smoking' message

New information from Tetley Wellbeing4life in conjunction with the Jean Hailes Foundation indicates that one in five Australians don't 'see the point' of giving up smoking.

The Tetley Wellbeing4life website was set up with the Jean Hailes Foundation for Women's Health to bring the latest health information and practical tips to both men and women, helping them create greater wellbeing for themselves and their families.

The online 'Tetley Wellbeing4life' health survey was undertaken by visitors to the website, with female respondents making up 83% and male respondents, 17%.

Despite government advertising campaigns and cigarette packaging illustrating the effects of smoking related diseases, the research reveals that the 'quit smoking' message is still not getting through to everyone, in particular to women.

This announcement follows information released last month from the Queen Elizabeth Hospital in Adelaide, which showed that while the number of Australian men dying from smoking related diseases is falling, among women it has increased since the early 1990s.

The most common health problems associated with smoking are diseases of the cardiovascular and respiratory systems, although smoking damages nearly every organ in the human body. One in two Australian women develop cardiovascular disease (CVD) every year and 26,306 women die of the disease, over 20,000 more than breast cancer. *

For women, taking the contraceptive pill and smoking has an increased risk of heart attack and stroke, and this risk increases dramatically with age. Female smokers are also more likely to experience reduced fertility and delays in conceiving, while also facing difficulties during pregnancy and childbirth.

"It is extremely worrying that smoking is still killing hundreds of Australian women every year despite all of the warnings and help available. It is never too late to quit smoking. The health benefits are there at any stage in life and I would urge anyone who thinks it is too difficult and there isn't any point, to seek advice from a health professional." said Janet Michelmore, Director, The Jean Hailes Foundation.

The most effective strategy to stop smoking has been found in the combination of drug treatment, usually nicotine replacement (NRT) and behavioural support. The 'four D's', please see below, can help when trying to give up smoking:

Delay - the urge will pass

Deep breathe - take three of four long slow breaths

Drink water - sip a glass of water....slowly

Do something else - keep your hands busy.

"The decision to stop smoking affects your whole wellbeing and attitude towards life. Many of the benefits of quitting smoking are immediate such as being able to breathe more easily, reducing your risk of heart disease and being able to taste food properly. We would encourage those people who think it is too late to stop and reconsider. Every day counts." said Allen Hunt, Brand Manager, Tetley Australia Pty

For more information on how to improve your wellbeing, including how to give up smoking, please visit:

Quit Smoking Program - Natural Herbal Medication That


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