Benefits of Hugs

Benefits of Hugs

Hugs are simple and yet massively underrated gestures in society. Hugs have various positive effects on people's mental health, and here are some of them.

Hugging and Its Amazing Benefits on Our Well-Being
The term "hug" is derived from "hygge," which means "to comfort" in the Old Norse language. Gugging fulfills one of the fundamental needs of human beings " psychical touch.

When we hug, our bodies release feel-good hormones " oxytocin, serotonin, and dopamine. These hormones are responsible for inducing feelings of relaxation and happiness.

So, how many hugs do you need a day? In this article, we find answers to this and other questions and highlight the benefits of giving and receiving hugs.

Hugging Helps with Health of Cardiovascular System
In life, there are sometimes stressful situations that we face. Hugging is good for controlling blood pressure even during stress. Receiving a hug during one of these moments lowers a person's heart rate and blood pressure.

Hugs Help to Overcome Some Fights Between Couples
As a couple, it's normal to have arguments sometimes. Couples who hugged each other during the day of the argument tend to feel better and don't let it ruin their day.

Couples are encouraged to try text therapy when the arguments get too frequent to enjoy their relationship.

Hugs Lower Stress
Hugging helps calm people down, whether from a friend, family member, or relationship partner. Have you ever received a hug from your significant other after a tough day and thought, "I actually needed this"?

Hugs counter the effects of cortisol or "the stress hormone" by encouraging the release of the "feel-good hormones." These are oxytocin and serotonin, and they induce feelings of trust and safety.

Hugs Communicate Emotions
Hugging is a powerful form of physical touch and non-verbal communication. When people hug, they convey different emotions such as:

● Happiness
● Gratitude
● Anger

● Fear
● Sadness
● Sympathy

Hugs Enhance Bonding in Relationships
Hugging promotes a feeling of love. It is why children need to be embraced and held by their parents. A study shows that children who are not used to affectionate touch such as hugs have emotional difficulties growing.

Hugging releases oxytocin, or the "love hormone," which helps parents keep a bond with their children.

For adults, touch is necessary to enhance their relationships. Couples who used to hug and cuddle are naturally more satisfied with their love life.

Hugging Helps Relieve Pain
Hugging reduces pain from minor injuries to chronic pain conditions. Oxytocin produced from hugging helps in blocking some of the pain signals giving the people an easier time.

Even during minor injuries, staying with a person and giving them hugs and kisses helps them manage the pain. It boosts the recovery process and shows you care.

Helps You Feel Connected
The emotional connection is important to us, and we will always seek it to reduce feelings of isolation and loneliness. Hugging helps people connect with others and feel that they are respected and valued.

Hugs Improve Self-Esteem
Hugging boosts self-esteem, especially among children. From a young age, children recognize touch as a symbol of love and value. While a child is growing, physical touch is among the most important stimulations they need.

When people grow, they will keep associating touch with self-worth. Hugging reminds people of the affection they received when they were young. Thus, it affects how they perceive themselves from an early age to adulthood.

How Many Hugs Does a Person Need in a Day?
We have established that hugs are pretty beneficial in our lives. But how many hugs do we need a day?

The simplest answer is as many as you can get for the best effects. A psychologist Virginia Satir said, "We need 4 hugs a day for survival, 8 a day for maintenance, and 12 for growth daily."

Even though hugging is more socially acceptable currently than about 50 years ago, many people are still touch-deprived. However, hugs contribute to a better living!

Why Hugging Is Powerful
Why are hugs so powerful in our lives? Hugs help us feel appreciated and are great for our physical and mental health.

However, what makes them so powerful?

They Are Free
Hugs are the source of happiness that costs nothing. All you have to do is be close to the person, and that's it.

Can Be Done Quickly
Hugging is fast, and its effects are immediate. There are no time excuses when it comes to giving hugs. You only need a few seconds, but longer hugs yield even better results.

Hugging is a fast source of feel-good hormones, faster than alcohol, food, and even medication.

They're Versatile
Hugging is a remedy for almost any situation. You give hugs during happy occasions, and you can use them to comfort people during sad times.

Easy to Execute
Life is complex, and most sources of happiness include thought, time, and even a process. With a hug, everything is simple. You don't need technique or coaching. It is something that is just easy and yields instant results.

It's Safe
On the list of sources of happiness, hugs should be among the top because they are safe. Alcohol, drugs, and even entertainment media have side effects when used by people to seek happiness.

Hugging is always a win-win for both parties.
Final Thoughts
While we cannot understate the importance of hugs, the gesture is not currently encouraged due to the COVID-19 pandemic. We've had to adapt new and safe ways of showing affection, for example connecting with loved ones online.

During this period, it is easy to feel emotionally detached, stressed, and even overwhelmed by the change of lifestyle. Having someone to open up to is essential in maintaining your mental health.

Calmerry offers a variety of online therapists ready to provide counseling help for people feeling overburdened and experiencing mental health issues.

Their relationship counselors can also help you maintain healthy connections with the people you care about during these challenging times.

Improve relationships with others, give and get more hugs, and be happy!


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