Celebrity hair stylist, David Babaii and Academy Award winning actress, Kate Hudson have joined together to launch David Babaii for WildAid, an innovative new range of hair styling products made from exotic, natural and renewable ingredients that sustain nature and are free from all animal testing.
In the fight to reverse the devastation of the planet'swildlife and further support the beauty in nature, tenpercent of all profits from the range will be donated toWildAid (www.wildaid.org), the global wildlifeconservation organization.
Designed as the premium quality hair care brand for all fashion, style, travel and business needs,David Babaii for WildAid products are free of sulfates, parabens, petrochemicals and animalproducts. The range includes an exclusive blend of exotic natural and renewable ingredients such asrich cupuacu butter from the South American Amazon, nutrient rich super volumising volcanic ashfrom the Vanuatu islands of the South Pacific, Blue Algae, and Polynesian White Ginger.
"I am proud to be a partner with David Babaii and WildAid in bringing the first line of hair careproducts that support animal rights advocacy to the world's attention. Our mission is to not onlycelebrate the remarkable beauty in nature but help sustain it." Kate Hudson
Named by Vogue as "the King of Curl" and stylist to stars such as Angelina Jolie, Uma Thurman,Nicole Kidman, Scarlett Johansson, Sarah Jessica Parker, Gwyneth Paltrow and of course KateHudson, David Babaii is thrilled to be bringing his new range to Australia:"We all know that looking good feels fantastic, but combining my two greatest passions, beauty andnature makes it even better. As a result, David Babaii for WildAid products was born. Our mission isto help end the illegal wildlife trade and strengthen the number of threatened species. After all,animals bring compassion and tranquility to all life."
The David Babaii for Wild Aid range is now available in Australia from TVSN, Harrison Pharmacies,GNC, Terry White Chemists, Leading Health Food Stores including Go Vita, Healthy Life and MegaHealth, Hair Salons, Beauty outlets and www.adorebeauty.com.au. For stockist details please go towww.db4wildaid.com.au or call 1300 387 204.
David Babaii for WildAid - Tested on Kate, not on animals!
David Babaii for WildAid
David BabaiiWith over a hundred major covers, and a who's who list of superstar clients, David Babaii has madehis mark on the fashion world by creating hairstyles that are natural, unique, free-flowing, and full ofan untamed spirit. Named by VOGUE as "the King of Curl", Babaii has become a celebrity in his ownright, with a client list that includes Angelina Jolie, Uma Thurman, Nicole Kidman, ScarlettJohansson, Sarah Jessica Parker, and Gwyneth Paltrow. David Babaii for WildAid weds hisexpertise in the fields of haircare and beauty with his passion for wildlife conservation.
Kate Hudson
Kate Hudson has been nominated for an Academy Award and won the Golden Globe Award for herbreakthrough performance in "Almost Famous." She has appeared in more than two dozen films,including "How to Lose a Guy in 10 Days," "You, Me and Dupree" and most recently, the romanticaction adventure "Fool's Gold," opposite Matthew McConaughey as well as the upcoming 'BrideWars' and 'Nine'. Kate is proud to be a partner with David Babaii and WildAid in bringing the firstline of haircare products that support animal rights advocacy to the world's attention.
WildAid (www.wildaid.org) is a non-profit organization that works with governments and communitiesof the world to reverse the devastation of our planet's wildlife. Their mission is to end the illegalwildlife trade within our lifetimes, allowing threatened species to recover to safe levels. WildAid'sgoal is a world in which local communities can improve their lives without destroying theirenvironment, and where humanity can survive together with wildlife for generations to come.WildAid public service messages are seen each week by over one billion people around the world,and in addition to Kate Hudson, include such notable supporters as Jackie Chan, Harrison Ford,Ralph Fiennes, Yao Ming and many world champion athletes.
Eric Steinhauser
Eric Steinhauser is the co-founder, partner and Creative and Marketing Director of David Babaii forWildAid. He is also the Creative Director of WildAid, the international non-profit wildlife conservationorganisation. He is an advertising veteran who has created many award-winning campaigns thathave helped bring compassion and enlightenment to numerous brands. His commitment to socialand environmental causes has inspired many of his most influential creative efforts, from the PeaceCorps, to American public education, to the Global Wildlife Conservation effort. To continue tosupport and build mass awareness for the efforts of the organisation, Eric and celebrity hairstylistDavid Babaii have founded David Babaii for WildAid.
David Babaii for WildAid - Product Range

Hydrating Shampoo (400ml) $24.70
Hydrating Conditioner (300ml) $24.70
Amplifying Shampoo (400ml) $24.70
Amplifying Conditioner (300ml) $24.70
Hair Polish (50ml) $29.50
Volcanic Ash Sculpting Clay (115g) $29.50
Fibers Molding Paste (115g) $29.50
Bohemian Beach Spray (200ml) $23.70
Mise en Plis Light Styling Spray (300ml) $23.50
Mise en Plis Extra Hold Styling Spray (300ml) $23.50
Amplifying Whipped Mousse (250ml) $23.50
Volcanic Ash Root Amplifier (200ml) $23.50
David Babaii for WildAid - Shampoos and Conditioners
Hydrating Shampoo (400ml)
Hydrating Shampoo replenishes thirsty hair. Rich CupuacuButter - from the South American Amazon - is a naturalmoisturiser, creating lustrous, radiant, hydrated hair. WildOrchid also adds moisture while keeping hair healthy andshiny. Blue Algae Extract strengthens the hair shaft. Thisunique eco-friendly formula is perfect for all hair types. Agentle rich lather thoroughly cleanses, purifies andprotects, eliminating dirt, oil and styling residue that candull hair or result in dryness. Colour-treated hair is rehydratedand revitalised to keep colour longer. RRP $24.70
Hydrating Conditioner (300ml)
Hydrating Conditioner replenishes thirsty hair, restoringoptimum moisture levels and nutrients. Rich Cupuacu Butter- from the South American Amazon - is a natural moisturiser.Wild Orchid also adds moisture while keeping hair healthyand shiny. Blue Algae Extract strengthens the hair shaft.Hair becomes newly re-hydrated and revitalised. This uniqueeco-friendly formula is perfect for all hair types. Colourtreatedhair will keep colour longer. RRP $24.70
Amplifying Shampoo (400ml)
Amplifying Shampoo carefully and thoroughly cleanses,while providing natural lift and lustre to tired, fine, limp hair.Mineral-rich Volcanic Ash from the Vanuatu Islands of theSouth Pacific brings abundant volume to hair. FragrantWhite Ginger enhances shine, while natural Coconut Oilderivatives create ultra-rich lather. This unique eco-friendlyformula is perfect for all hair types. It protects the hair'sintegrity and encourages manageability. Colour-treated hairwill keep colour longer. RRP $24.70
Amplifying Conditioner (300ml)
Amplifying Conditioner-with volumising Volcanic Ash fromthe Vanuatu Islands of the South Pacific-restores properbalance and adds healthy nutrients to hair without weighingit down. Extracts of Blue Algae strengthen the hair shaft andsmooth the cuticle creating a rich, radiant shine. FragrantWhite Ginger further enhances lustre. Hair looks renewedand feels rejuvenated from harmful environmental damage.This unique eco-friendly formula is perfect for all hair types,especially hair that is limp, fine or lifeless. Colour-treated hairwill keep colour longer. RRP $24.70
David Babaii for WildAid - Styling Products
Hair Polish (50ml)
Hair Polish is today's leave-in, must-have, over-achievingstyling treatment. It nourishes, protects, strengthens, mends,repairs and de-frizzes hair. An exclusive blend of ten naturalextracts, including Nettle, Orchid, Oat, Cucumber and WhiteGinger, are added to keep hair stronger and healthier.Wheat and Rice proteins offer natural damage control. HairPolish is ideal for all hair types, offering mega-watt shine anda new level of smoothness. RRP $29.50
Volcanic Ash Sculpting Clay (115g)
Volcanic Ash Sculpting Clay is a pliable free-styling productthat quickly helps create and support any textured or moldedstyle. Mineral-rich Volcanic Ash from the Vanuatu Islands ofthe South Pacific adds incredible natural volume to your hair,whether your hair is short or long. The medium weight ofthis advanced Volcanic Ash Sculpting Clay gives the desireddefinition, lift and fullness without a sticky or stiff feel. Naturalingredients Kiwi, Mango, and Blue Algae allow hair to feelhealthy and look touchable with no product build-up or heavywaxes. RRP $29.50
Fibers Molding Paste (115gm)
Fibers Molding Paste helps create texture, movement andtotal definition for all hair styles. Essence of naturalCandelillia Wax and Carnauba Wax help hold hair gently.Rich Cupuacu Butter- from the South American Amazon andcold-pressed Shea Butter add natural moisture to hair. Usedsparingly, these all-natural ingredients will not coat orsmother the hair shaft. Styled hair is strong, shiny andhealthy, with no product build-up or waxy coating. RRP$29.50
Bohemian Beach Spray (200ml)
Bohemian Beach Spray is an eco-friendly non-aerosolstyling spray that works for all hair types. It can be used onwet or dry hair to create various hair textures and volume.Globally sourced, Bohemian Beach Spray contains sea saltfrom the Dead Sea in Israel for naturally enhanced texture;mineral rich Volcanic Ash from the Vanauatu Islands of theSouth Pacific for increased volume; a trio of Blue Algae,Mango and Kiwi that keep hair thoroughly hydrated. SheaButter, Jojoba Oil, Hemp Oil and Cupuacu Butter further aidmoisture retention. This extraordinary blend works togetherto create texture or volume, while strengthening andmoisturising. RRP $23.70
Mise en Plis Extra Hold Styling Spray (300ml)
Mise en Plis Extra Hold Styling Spray is the perfect nononsensefinishing spray. The extra hold formulationprovides long-lasting control while adding a healthy shine.Naturally derived ingredients like Copolymers, Naturallyderived Copolymers add extra gloss; White Ginger,Fenugreek and Rosemary help create this firm hold andactually strength hair. Mineral-rich Volcanic Ash from theVanuatu Islands of the South Pacific adds incredible naturalvolume to your hair. This aerosol spray can be used on allhair types as the perfect finishing spray. RRP $23.50
Mise en Plis Light Styling Spray (300ml)
Mise en Plis Light Styling Spray is the perfect finishing sprayfor today. It's formulated to provide a fresh, light but longlastingflexible hold. At the same time, it turns up thevolume and boosts the shine. Naturally derived Copolymersadd extra gloss. White Ginger, Fenugreek and Rosemarykeep hair strong and healthy. Mise en Plis Light StylingSpray can be used on all hair types. RRP $23.50
Amplifying Whipped Mousse (250ml)
Amplifying Whipped Mousse is the aerosol design foam thattruly does it all. It adds amazing body and extra fullness tohair while two natural styling agents work together for a longlasting- but soft -humidity-resistant hold. Ample extracts ofBlue Algae, Mango and Kiwi protect the hair. Mango andKiwi moisturize while Jojoba Oil adds great sheen andconditioning. Not one, but three different vitamins protecthair from contaminants and pollution, providing lusciouslong-lasting results Healthy hair behaves beautifully,maintaining its shape and style while feeling touchable, softand shiny. RRP $23.50
Volcanic Ash Root Amplifier (200ml)
Volcanic Ash Root Amplifier is an aerosol lifting product thatpumps up flat, limp or fine hair, giving it amazing fullnessand dramatically enhancing volume. It's an exclusive blendof natural ingredients including mineral rich Volcanic Ash,Jojoba Oil, and Panthenol add thickness and lift. Naturalconditioning ingredients Blue Algae, Mango, and Kiwi protectthe hair and allow a healthy shine. Root Amplifier can beused daily. RRP $23.50
The David Babaii for WildAid range is now available in Australia from VSN, GNC, Harisson Pharmacies, Malouf Pharmacies, Leading Health Food Stores including Go Vita, Healthy Life and Mega Health, Hair Salons, Beauty outlets. For stockist details please go to
www.db4wildaid.com.au or call 300 381 204.