Sagittarius's Horoscopes |



Born between: Nov 22nd - Dec 21st

Often bitten by the travel bug those born under the Sagittarius sign are independent and always have a optimistic stance on life. However they need to be patient to not expect miracles while chasing their next positive outcome.

There may be a damper on your mood today, Sagittarius, especially in the morning. It could seem as if everyone is having fun but you. Having a good time is more a state of mind than anything else. Try not to get trapped in a lousy mindset. Late afternoon is a good time to ground your emotions. Operate from a point of stability instead of jealousy.
This could be a particularly stressful day, Sagittarius. Your workload is heavier than ever, thanks to the increased responsibility you've taken on. The day seems endless, yet there aren't enough hours to get done all that needs doing. Take care not to take your anxiety out on others. If you're nice to them, they may even help you finish your project!
You should be in a good mood today, Sagittarius, but don't be surprised if some aggravating force steps on your toes or pulls your chain in some way. More than likely, there isn't much you can do about the situation except grin and bear it. Do your best to maintain your position and don't lose self-confidence just because someone else isn't in tune with how you handle your affairs.
Are you getting along better than ever with a significant other, Sagittarius? If so, it's probably because you're more attuned to what your partner thinks, feels, needs, and wants. You might fetch something before he or she even knows it's necessary. This can help you reach a new understanding of your beloved. Go with the flow and make the most of it. You'll be glad you did.
Today your creative impulses could seem blocked, Sagittarius. You might be trying to reach your own or someone else's deadline. You may feel the need to get some work done, while your muse seems to have gone on vacation. If your deadline is official, phone whoever's in charge and ask for an extension. You won't be happy with the results if you force yourself to work today.
Today you wake up feeling reinvigorated and renewed, Sagittarius. You feel as though you can accomplish anything. And very likely, today you can. Anything you set your mind and attention to works out beautifully. Take care that you don't gloat too much, though. Just because you feel invincible doesn't necessarily mean that you are.
Things will be extremely light and airy today, Sagittarius. You may find that people are a bit less sensitive than you. Moving out of your comfort zone is the key to growth. Don't hesitate to move into the unknown. You can achieve a greater sense of balance between yourself and your environment if you're open to change and accept it.
There's apt to be powerful aggression today that may leave you feeling like you want to declare war on everyone, Sagittarius. You may get the feeling that everyone else is completely nuts and you're the only one who really knows what's going on. Beware of misinformed people and false information. Fights could erupt over facts that seem true at first but are just someone's misguided dreams.
A powerful need to reach someone either for business or personal reasons could have you spending a lot of time on the phone that may come to nothing, Sagittarius. You might call every place this person could possibly be, and this could prove frustrating. Your friend may be away. Leave a message or two and let him or her call you back. Find something else to distract you.
Inspiration is the word for today, Sagittarius. Your creative talent should blossom and motivate you to work on wonderful ideas. This could involve music, painting, decorating, or cooking. Relax and have fun with it. Whatever you do, you'll probably be pleased with the results. Feedback from others should be encouraging. Make notes of ideas you don't use today to remember them later.
Your emotions could be extra powerful today, Sagittarius, although something may not feel as if it's sitting right. It could be a feeling of manipulation. Perhaps you've misjudged someone else's sensitivity and now they're working to get back at you in a subtle yet harmful way. Attend to your feelings and spend time alone if it helps you get more in tune with your emotions.
Don't dwell on your fluctuating moods today, Sagittarius. Look at the larger trends and how positive elements are coming together in your favor. Stay optimistic and remember that you were put here for a reason. Respect and honor your values by staying in tune with yourself and the world around you. There's a profound power in your stillness, so cherish all moments of silence.
Expect an added boost of physical energy today, Sagittarius. It's an excellent day to clean out closets. Exercise like yoga or walking will be most enjoyable. It could also prove to be well worth your while to look at your goals. Are you where you want to be at this stage of your life or are there changes that need to be made? Give your brain and body a good workout.
Find new ways to expand your horizons, Sagittarius. The web has an infinite number of resources and information to explore. Not only that, but your community and local colleges offer various online courses to choose from. Think about what you'd enjoy learning - perhaps a new job skill or craft. Whether it's judo or Italian or woodworking that strikes your fancy, it's out there. Find it.
You may feel a need to get moving today, Sagittarius. Almost everyone at times prefers quiet activities, books, art, and even just sitting around to physical activity. But your health can suffer if you're too inactive. Fresh air, exercise, and sunshine are vital to your well-being. Don't resist the urge to get up and do something active. Chances are good that you'll really enjoy it.
You might feel cornered into doing something you don't want to do today, Sagittarius. Perhaps you made a promise to handle a project. Maybe someone decides it's the day to call in an I.O.U. Either way, say so if you aren't comfortable following through. Today's energy enhances your ability to express yourself and be understood. Rescheduling may be far better than potential resentment.
Don't be surprised if you feel super today, Sagittarius. Chances are good that you'll enjoy renewed physical strength, with energy to spare. It might be a good day to tackle any projects that require muscle. Perhaps there are household repairs that need tackling or furniture to move. You might want to go to the gym. Whatever the activity, this is a good day to go for it with gusto.
Try not to let the blues get you down, Sagittarius. While it's true some days can seem to drag, the busier you stay, the faster time will pass. Get down to finishing any work still pending and make plans for an evening out. If there's a light at the end of the tunnel, not only will things seem to speed up, but you'll also feel better knowing you're almost done.
It could be scary for you to do anything risky for fear of conflict or failure, Sagittarius. Perhaps you've tried to become invisible in different situations so you can avoid being noticed. These defense mechanisms may serve you for a while but acting out of fear or guilt won't get you where you need to go. To achieve what you want, you must act with confidence, love, and faith.
Activities of some kind could put you in the public eye today, Sagittarius. Some work you've done well might bring you richly deserved acknowledgement. Your energy and enthusiasm are already high, and you're probably all fired up to do more. This could bring up thoughts of changes in your working situation. But don't give notice right away. Some careful thought is needed.
Have you been pursuing a career involving the creative arts, Sagittarius? If so, news of an upcoming success could come your way today. This is a gratifying day for you. Friends could phone or come by to congratulate you. Ideas for new projects could fill your head. Go out to dinner tonight with friends or your romantic partner, if possible. You deserve it!
Dreams and meditations could lead to insights about how best to handle your finances, Sagittarius. Your intuition is very strong. Also, you could receive some surprising ideas from media sources. No matter how outrageous an idea seems, consider it well before deciding. A written plan of action for anything you do would be helpful. You'll want to keep track of all your ideas.
Happy events involving a close female relative might have you feeling emotional, Sagittarius. A marriage or birth could be involved. Your projects, particularly those with other people, could proceed well despite difficulties you've had to overcome. The results could move you to tears. You may feel the need to control yourself, but don't be afraid to show how you feel.
Nervous tension could cause a temporary malaise that keeps your energy very low today. But there are tasks that need to be done, Sagittarius, so you'll probably try to do them in spite of the way you feel. Try not to overwork yourself or take your weariness out on others. It's better to let some things go than make yourself and everyone else that much more stressed out.
A conflict between career and home obligations could arise today, Sagittarius. You may feel powerless, so it could make you feel irritable. Try to think clearly and find a solution for your conundrum, then act on it. Avoid the temptation to quarrel with others. Go for a good workout in the evening. Whether dancing or jogging, just work off some of that frustration.
Some bizarre and rather silly dreams might come to you tonight, Sagittarius. They may be the sort that is so crazy that you actually wake up laughing. Don't dismiss them. Silly or not, these dreams are trying to tell you something. Write them down the way you would any other vivid dream and analyze the symbols in the same way - even if they cause a few giggles.
Sometimes your emotions overtake your rational thoughts, Sagittarius, and you end up acting on impulse. Today you'll find that your head and heart are aligned on significant issues, and that they're working well together. Try not to swing the other way by becoming too rational. Your goal is to find the best working balance.
Your psychic sense is apt to be keen as you fill your mind with fanciful scenarios, Sagittarius. These pictures in your head aren't as farfetched as you might think. Today would be a good day to listen to your inner guidance - the aspect of yourself that's keyed into hearing subtle important messages. Not everyone can pick up on them.
A friend or colleague involved in an enterprise with you could be inhibited in some way by lack of money, Sagittarius. This might involve some unexpected adjustment on your part, perhaps finding someone else to temporarily fill in. It's a pain, but you and your colleagues will manage, and your friend should have it together in time. Find a way to work around the situation. Hang in there.
The wind is blowing quite strongly today, and you'll find that things are flying around in a frenzy, Sagittarius. This whirlwind of activity is threatening to pick you up, spin you around, and take you away. Be cautious of anything that suggests this. People may take on unrealistic attitudes that lure you into grand schemes. Beware of fanciful promises.
Love and romance are coming your way today, but it's important to be practical, Sagittarius. Don't take your relationships for granted. Realize that love doesn't necessarily mean that everything is perfect. Structure and discipline are often required in order to maintain a healthy partnership. You should be able to incorporate these elements rather well, so make the most of this energy.

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