Ora Nadrich Practicing Mindfulness Interview

Ora Nadrich Practicing Mindfulness Interview

The Says Who? Method

Born in Tel Aviv, Israel, Ora moved to the United States as a child and dreamed of becoming an actress. In her youth, she wrote poems and short stories and studied theater in school. At age 14, one of her sisters experienced a life-changing nervous breakdown - an event that eventually led Ora to decide to pursue a career as a Life Coach. Throughout her life, Ora pursued a deep personal journey to understand how the mind works and what can be done to manage one's thoughts.

When she is not helping others through her coaching, Ora is active in various philanthropic organisations including The Water Buffalo Club, Children's Hospital and is a board member of the New Road's School, which is committed to granting lower income families financial aid.



Interview with Ora Nadrich

Question: What is Mindfulness Meditation?

Ora Nadrich: Mindfulness Meditation is a type of meditation where you are aware of any thoughts, feelings, or sensations you may be experiencing in your body, and allow for it non-judgmentally. By putting your focus and awareness onto your breath, you're able to remain present, and quiet the activity of your mind. Mindfulness Meditation reduces stress, and helps cultivate self-awareness, and a more compassionate feeling towards yourself and others.

Question: How did you discover the practice of Mindfulness Meditation?

Ora Nadrich: I had been practicing Transcendental Meditation for many years, and wanted to broaden my meditation practice. I had also been studying Mindfulness, and was interested in teaching Mindfulness Meditation.

Question: When, where and how often do you practice Mindfulness Meditation?

Ora Nadrich: I practice Mindfulness Meditation daily. I like to do it before I begin my day, and before I go to sleep. My favorite place to do it is in my bathroom, where I have a couch and a meditation pillow.

Question: What advice do you have for those of us who wish to overcome their fears?

Ora Nadrich: Fear is something we all experience, but it's important to know whether your fear is because of something that is genuinely threatening to your well-being and survival, or because of a fear-based thought you're telling yourself that is keeping you in an unnecessary state of fear, and needs to be challenged to find out if it's real or not. All of our fears are connected to our thoughts, and those thoughts can be overcome.

Question: How can we become more aware of ourselves?

Ora Nadrich: By learning and cultivating Mindfulness, and having a meditation practice, you can experience being in the present moment with more awareness. This will help you become more self-aware.

Question: How will learning to live in the now ensure positive influences on all our relationships?

Ora Nadrich: By practicing Mindfulness, and learning how to live in the present moment with total awareness, you are much more conscious of how you are acting and behaving in your relationships. Living in the 'now" supports having more healthy, wholesome, and positive dynamics with the people in your life, and increases an appreciation of your relationships.

Question: What have you done to limit negativity in your life?

Ora Nadrich: I make a concerted effort to stay positive, and support positivity in others. I also practice the Say Who? Method daily! Another way I limit negativity is by focusing on all that is good and positive in my life, and appreciate it with gratitude.

Question: Can you tell us about Says Who?

Ora Nadrich: My book, Says Who? is about transforming negative and fear-based thoughts. I've created a unique questioning method to challenge the disruptive thoughts we tell ourselves so we're not at the effect of them. We think between 40-70,000 thoughts a day, and many of them don't serve our well-being. The Says Who? Method helps you understand your thinking process better, and learn how to let go of your negative thoughts, and keep the positive ones that support you realizing your goals.

Question: What was the main motivation behind writing Says Who?

Ora Nadrich: When I was fifteen, my sister, who I loved dearly and looked up to, had a mental breakdown. It was devastating, and traumatic for me. Out of tremendous fear, I told myself that the same thing was going to happen to me, and I lived with that thought for a very long time, which caused me tremendous suffering. After going into Jungian Analysis, I was able to work through my fear, and realise that I had been held hostage by a thought that wasn't true, and didn't have to live like that anymore. It was a very empowering realisation, and I wrote Says Who? to help people overcome their negative and fear-based thoughts like I had, but not have to wait as long as I did for it to happen.

Interview by Brooke Hunter


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