Up & Go Dairy Free

Up & Go Dairy Free

UP&GO reveals the lengths dairy-free Aussies would go to for their fix

A whopping three quarters of dairy-free Aussies (72%) have revealed they would be willing to give up something they love for a whole week if it meant they could enjoy their favourite dairy products without fear of suffering for it later.

According to new research from Australian brand, Sanitarium UP&GO*, of the dairy-free Australians who would be willing to give something up, 60% claimed they'd be give up coffee and more than half (54%) would sacrifice their favourite TV/Netflix show - just for a dairy fix.

Furthermore, according to the research, seven in ten (71%) revealed their suspicion that people think they are actually lying about their dairy-free requirements.

Sadly, a number of Aussies report their dairy-free lifestyle has affected their social life with almost a quarter (24%) admitting they have eaten dairy while out in public, just to hide their dairy free needs, with one in four (25%) admitting to suddenly having to bail on friends.

UP&GO commissioned the research to highlight the impact living a dairy-free lifestyle has on Australians, following a huge number of requests from consumers for a dairy-free variant of their iconic product.

To engage with the passionate consumers who have actively been demanding a dairy-free alternative, UP&GO created a first-of-its-kind 'Brains Trust' to put the power in the hands of consumers, seeking input to help create a product they have been craving to buy and enjoy. Following months of discussions, 3,500 Brains Trust members helped make key decisions for the new dairy-free product, from the variant name to the pack design and colour palette.

Jaemes Tipple, Senior Brand Manager, Sanitarium responded to the findings and creating the brand's first ever people-powered dairy-free solution.

"While it's known that more and more Aussies are turning to dairy-free lifestyles either out of necessity or out of choice, our research brought to life some hard-hitting realities of what it means to be someone who follows a dairy-free lifestyle today. With our new UP&GO Dairy-Free, they don't need to compromise; it contains all the goodness of original UP&GO and the same great taste."

The launch of UP&GO Dairy Free comes at a time when Aussies are increasingly looking for plant-based alternatives for their favourite foods. Trish Guy APD, Senior Dietitian, Sanitarium Health Food Company says:
"Our team of dietitians have worked really hard to create a nutritious, on-the-go solution to help give our dairy free pals the fix they crave.

"UP&GO Dairy Free has retained all the nutritional benefits in the original UP&GO and is packed with nutrients, including protein, fibre, 10 vitamins and minerals including calcium and vitamin B12, which are important nutrients for people following a dairy free/plant based diet. This makes it a great low GI option for busy mornings and active lifestyles. Plus, it's also gluten free," said Trish Guy.

UP&GO Dairy Free is available now in two flavours; Choc Ice and Vanilla Ice, in leading supermarkets.


Review: Same great taste, but for me, less gut irriation.  While dairy is a great source of calcium and many other nutrients some of us suffer from major or minor reactions like, skin outbreaks and gut irritation, so it's great to have an alternative that suits the household including those on plant based diets.



*This study was conducted online by YouGov Galaxy in October 2020. The sample comprised a nationally representative sample of 1,030 Australians aged 18 years and older, who are either sensitive to, intolerant of, allergic to dairy, or who choose to avoid dairy.


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