White Day Dream

Is it really happening right in front of us, or are we daydreaming?


A unique fusion between Butoh and physical theatre, White Day Dream is the latest creation from Weave Movement Theatre. Performed by dancers with and without disability and choreographed by Yumi Umiumare, the work moves between the surreal and the absurd; exploring universal human themes of memory and dreams - their fragility, transience, and power. Like a dream itself, White Day Dream recalls subconscious emotions… where things are at once unexpectedly linked, and disconnected.


Weave Movement Theatre is an ambitious and diverse Melbourne-based hybrid dance and theatre performance company, comprised of people with and without disabilities. The company formed in 1997 through an Arts Access Victoria project and continues today developing high quality performances. Weave Movement Theatre's work subverts audience's expectations, and challenges conventional ways of seeing dance and disability. They present a distinctive and progressive model for inclusive dance performance.


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