Why Can't I Look The Way I Want?

Why Can't I Look The Way I Want?

Why Can't I Look The Way I Want?

Unless you've been there, it's impossible to know what it's like to be in the grip of an eating disorder. Melinda Hutchings, a survivor of anorexia nervosa, and ambassador for Eating Disorders Australia has written, what could ultimately be THE survival manual for victims- both guys and girls, and also friends and family.

Daily we are confronted with images of celebrities with eating disorders but somehow the actual problems get lost in the glare of the flashlights. The harsh reality is that eating disorders are on the rise. Children as young as five years old are being diagnosed, and it's something that disturbs Melinda Hutchings.

Why Can't I Look The Way I Want? Is packed full of information and case studies which tackle everything from dieting and anxieties around food to physical and emotional rehabilitations and re-establishing relationships. In amongst expert advice, helpful checklists, and dozens of practical tips, you will also find chapters on:

Past sufferers who have battled anorexia, bulimia and exercise bulimia
The growing male eating disorder, bigorexia
Helping someone you love
Recognising early warning signs
Treatment Options
How to find help
What you can look forward to at the other side.

Throughout the book Melinda has drawn on her own experience and that of fellow sufferers to not only tell what having an eating disorder is really like but also to show that it is possible to break its deadly grip, recover and live a healthy and satisfying life.

Melinda Hutchings a survivor of an eating disorder, is an inspiring role model and experienced public speaker. Melinda is often invited to address young adults on the topic of body image at high schools, forums and conferences throughout Australia.

She is the national ambassador for Eating Disorders Foundation and featured on the Wall of Woman for the Bellaboo 'Get Real About Role Models' campaign. Why Can't I Look The Way I Want? is her third book.

Why Can't I Look The Way I Want?
Allen and Unwin
Author: Melinda Hutchings
Price: $27.99


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