...Prevention of Child Abuse..."Australians Against Child Abuse aims to reduce the incidence of child abuse and the harm it causes to children, families and the community."
Australians Against Child Abuse is an independent children's charity committed to the prevention of child abuse and neglect and are to be commended on their diligent work in raising public awareness about child abuse and devising ways to prevent it from further occurring.
Each year the charity receives approximately 370 requests for advice, consultation and therapy for children. It also provides services to 250 of these children and their families, quite an alarming rate.
CHILD ABUSE FACTS:- Most victims of child sexual abuse are girls.
- However, in approximately one quarter of all proven child sexual abuse cases in Australia, the victim is a boy.
- Children are more commonly abused by people they know - e.g. Family, friends and neighbours.
- Abuse is very rarely isolated to one instance, it is usually repeated over a period of months or years.

Formed in 1986, Australians Against Child Abuse work in a number of ways to reduce the harm caused by child abuse and family violence by providing:
- free counselling for young people and their families affected by abuse;
- education and prevention programs - providing training for community groups and professionals;
- conducting further research into the matter and identifying constructive solutions;
- speaking out on behalf of young people.
This organisation currently employs a number of experienced child and family therapists to provide consultation, counselling and advocacy for abused children. They are supported by a small and dedicated administrative and fund-raising team.
Australians Against Child Abuse relies on the support of the community to enable it to continue its programs and services. Funding is achieved through membership subscription, donations, tele-marketing, major sponsors and a small amount from the State Government.
So get behind this important organisation and demonstrate you care by visiting their website for more information -
http://www.aaca.netlink.com.au** Australians Against Child Abuse were the 1998 winners of the National and State Violence Prevention Awards for their efforts to prevent child abuse. **
- Annemarie Failla