How to Work Out Your Perfect Career Path

How to Work Out Your Perfect Career Path

If you want to work out your perfect career path, there are certain steps you need to take. So, if you're interested in learning how, follow on as we take you through these steps, and guide you on your way to your dream career.

Step 1: Decide What Study Discipline You Want to Specialise In


The first step in working out your perfect career path is to select a tertiary qualification to complete at your chosen university or higher education facility. If you want to be a teacher, for example, you may want to complete a Master of Education online. As part of this course, budding educators will learn how to lead, manage and educate their future students. They will also develop the skills required to navigate the ever-changing education landscape.


Of course, there are many other areas of study you could choose from to pursue a successful career path. For aspiring politicians, a degree in public policy may be more appropriate. Or, if you are aspiring to become a registered psychologist, counsellor or therapist, it would be advisable to complete a qualification in mental health care. For budding nurses, doctors, and other future medical practitioners, there are a multitude of qualifications in the specialisation of medicine that you could enrol in. Alternatively, you may like to pursue a trade. Of course, not everyone is academically inclined. If this is the case for you, you may prefer to complete a vocational course or a trade apprenticeship at your preferred institute of technology, for example. Importantly, in Australia, some trade course fees are paid for by the government. This is a recent initiative that has been put in place to meet Australia's growing demand for trade professionals.

Step 2: Narrow Down Your Career Pathway From Relevant Job Prospects


Once you have graduated with your university degree or completed your trade qualification and apprenticeship, the next step is to choose from the job prospects that are available to you. An important aspect of this is being able to narrow down to a specific professional role from the many career paths that may be at your fingertips.


If you have studied law, for example, there are many professions you could choose to pursue. For instance, you could choose to become a lawyer in a private firm or practice. Alternatively, you may prefer to go down the path of becoming a courtroom barrister. In addition to this, you also have the options to follow a career path to become a public servant, or a social worker, for that matter. Importantly, while each of these professions requires you to have an understanding of the law, they are all very different career paths. As such, you will need to be able to narrow this down and choose your area of specialisation.


Of course, for some of us, narrowing down and choosing a specific career path is easy! For others, some guidance may be of assistance. This is where the services of a careers counsellor can be of assistance.    Careers counselling  can be a great help when trying to find the career path that best suits you. This is especially true if you have multiple job options at your fingertips, and are having trouble selecting just one career path to follow. 

Step 3: Plan and Map Out Your Career Trajectory

A key element of achieving your career goals is to map out your career trajectory. This involves planning the steps you will take to reach your ultimate career goal. For example, if you are aiming for the top - that is to say, if you are aspiring to reach a C-suite role such as CEO, CFO or COO of a company or organisation-  you'll need to understand the steps you need to take to get there. For example, specific ways to become the CEO of a company can include:

Develop the Appropriate Skillset 


Some of the essential skills required of a C-suite leader include, of course, leadership, management, and excellent communication skills. You will also need strong task delegation, time management and planning abilities. A good leader is well-organised and is also able to monitor, manage and review the work of the staff in their charge, as well managing their own workload.

Cultivate Relevant Personal Attributes and Characteristics 


 Undoubtedly, if you are aspiring to a C-suite role, you already possess a great deal of drive, dedication, and ambition. To complement these attributes, it is also advisable to cultivate certain other personal characteristics. For example, you'll also need to develop resilience, versatility, flexibility, and adaptability to change.

Put in the Hard Work - It Gets Noticed!


Lastly, and perhaps most importantly, you need to put in the work. Importantly, people notice when you work hard. So, if you want to prove your value, reputation, and merit, and finally attain that C-suite promotion you deserve, you need to be hard-working, dedicated and committed. Indeed, a strong work ethic says much about your character. And, as the CEO of a company, you'll want to lead your staff by example.

Working out your perfect career path requires you to take specific steps towards this. 


First, you need to decide what study discipline you want to specialise in. Often, this looks like identifying which higher education course you want to study at university. For others, it may involve completing a trade qualification or apprenticeship. Irrespective, once you have completed your formation, your next step is to narrow down which specific profession in your field you want to pursue. More often than not, you will have many career options at your fingertips, so it pays to have a solid idea of the specific job you want to go for. Lastly, of course, you'll need to plan and map out the steps you need to take to achieve your career goals. 


Admittedly, the prospect of following through on all of these steps may seem somewhat daunting! However, if you stick to the plan, chase your goals, and stay dedicated and committed, you can work out your perfect career path, and land the job of your dreams!









Photo by Kampus Production


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