Taylor Henderson When You Were Mine Interview

Taylor Henderson When You Were Mine Interview

Taylor Henderson When You Were Mine Interview

Taylor Henderson is back with his brand new single, "When You Were Mine", co-written with the team of Louis Schoorl /Hayley Warner /Alex Hope with whom he has worked previously. "When You Were Mine" is out through Sony Music Entertainment Australia. "When You Were Mine" has come straight in to the #5 position on the iTunes singles chart on release.

The video can be watched on YouTube.

As Taylor explains, ""When You Were Mine" is almost like a letter; the words just flow-on and it really does tell a story. The song is about love-lost and insecurity - it's the idea that when you let go of something or someone, it only really hits you later and you start thinking, 'oh, what have I done?'. It captures the moment when you are rewinding and reflecting about when that person was yours."

Talking further about the lyrics, Taylor explains, "I wanted to find a word that had a double-meaning, and in this song the word was change - and so there was the reference to when someone changes their mind, and also a reference to loose change in your pocket. I like the idea of being a bit clever with the lyrics and using a word twice in a different context. "I'd send myself broke just to buy back the time / if the change in my pocket could change your mind". I mean most people might not even notice that, but others might find the song more interesting as a result."

With the single ready to take a hold of airwaves and charts around Australia, Taylor is also in the midst of readying his debut studio-album due for release later this year. It's a process which he is revelling in, and giving him more and more confidence each day.

"I've been working with people on material for the new album and its coming along really well," he says enthusiastically. "I've started to really enjoy the process of collaboration because I find it really inspiring and motivating. We're a good way through getting the album together, and I've written some songs that I'm incredibly proud of. The way things have started to develop for me has been really interesting, and right now I'm feeling like things couldn't be better for me and my career. I'm excited to step away from the show and become 100% me, and focus on the music and the artist I wanna be. I really feel like it's gonna be a good year for me."

Interview with Taylor Henderson

Question: How would you describe When You Were Mine?

Taylor Henderson: When You Were Mine is the next step in putting my foot in the door of the music industry. It has been a little tricky as when we were discussing bring out the second single we didn't want to bring out Borrow My Heart round 2, even after its success. When You Were Mine has an Ed Sheeran meets Passenger vibe – it has a swing to it; it is a heart-felt song with a good beat behind it.

Question: What does the song mean to you?

Taylor Henderson: When You Were Mine is very catchy and we spent a lot of time getting the lyrics right so we didn't waste any space, in the song. I feel as if every lyric is delivered and meant to be there, it has a good meaning behind it.

Question: Are you still writing your own music?

Taylor Henderson: When You Were Mine is my own song and I am writing a lot of my own music which should potentially be released on a future album. I feel as if there is so much more to song writing than a song that is catchy or a song where you are just singing words off a piece of paper; a song needs to be cooler than that. My songs need to be relatable and reach out to people.

Question: What music/artists do you listen to when you are not playing your own?

Taylor Henderson: I love Ed Sheeran, he is fantastic and everything he writes is very honest, he says it as it is. Aussies definitely like it straight-down-the-line as we are very honest, which is a good way to go about things and I have always been like that and I need that in my music. When writing I am honest and I want to deliver music that others can relate to and say -that has happened to me' whether the song is going to be stripped-back acoustic or a big production with up tempo which gets the crowd rolling.

Question: What can you tell us about your upcoming debut studio-album?

Taylor Henderson: I bought out the album last year which was covers which I'd sung on X-Factor and that did so well and I hope people want a bit more of my original work. There are a lot of different varieties of songs on the album there are acoustic songs which tug on the heart strings and then there are other songs which are bigger and get your foot stomping; I've also included songs which are very personal and I'm very excited about a big song which I've written. The album is really coming along which is very exciting – I've always wanted to share my music and I am hoping this is going to be good. I have offered my best and I am hoping for the best.

Question: How is it being in the studio recording your own music rather than covers?

Taylor Henderson: It is weird yet cool because sometimes we'll go into the studio and write a song yet other times there are songs I've recorded for the album which I wrote years ago and it's cool putting down songs when I remember sitting in my room writing, thinking nothing of. I enjoy showing those songs to Sony who are loving them. I am loving working with the label and the whole team which is working around me and I love when I have good feedback from a song I've written and then I can get into the studio and record the track whether it be a single or a contender for the album. If you loved Borrow My Heart then I feel as if you'll love the rest of the album and I'm proud to say that.

Question: Has there a moment you contemplated throwing in the towel and walking away from the music industry?

Taylor Henderson: I absolutely want to be here 100% even though I know I still have a lot to prove. People have so far only heard one song from me whereas I'm getting excited because I have a whole album of material and new songs coming out. I have to keep on the ball and I know a lot of things come with being in the music industry, not just releasing songs but being active with social media, which I have been doing and I know I have to be realistic, so I am! This is definitely all I want to do and I'll keep trying and learning.

Question: How difficult is it now to be an artist without the X-Factor backing?

Taylor Henderson: I love it, it's been great – it's a stepping stone. I know my giant head isn't on television anymore but it's cool to step out alone and have a big label work behind me and have faith in me to be writing songs. I love that they love what I'm bringing to the table.

Instead of standing on stage singing covers, I'm able to showcase my own ability. There is nothing better than being on stage, singing my own songs and having the crowd sing my lyrics back at me – that is crazy but it's the vibe I want. I want to continue to write songs that people want to learn the lyrics to and sing those lyrics at a live show.

Question: What is the biggest challenge you have faced along the way to your musical success?

Taylor Henderson: Being in the spotlight is a challenge. I'd normally go down the street to get a meal with friends and now I get stopped, noticed and people want to take photos with me which is flattering. I enjoy that there are other people who want to spend time with me although it is difficult to have enough time. I have always been open to have people chat to me – I've always been all-ears. I have had to open my time to a lot more people (laughs); I want to give everyone my best. It is a challenge to connect with so many people but it is cool, at the same time. I enjoy telling everyone what I'm up to on social media, too.

Question: What's a typical day like, at the moment?

Taylor Henderson: It really depends; I am always looking at broadening my day. A typical day at the moment includes working on the album whether that be writing or touching up final bits and pieces for songs. If I'm not singing I am trying to be as normal as I can although I am always on the go, working, seeing what else I can bring to the table.

Interview by Brooke Hunter


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