Tips to Cut Down your Alcohol

One of Australia's peak medical organisations has called on Federal Politicians to make the health of future generations of young Australians a priority and pass the Alcopops legislation.

Anne Wilson CEO of Kidney Health Australia said the organisation had supported the legislation when it was first brought forward and continues to support both its intent and implementation.

"Whilst people can argue it is not perfect, there should be a bi-partisan voice in our national Parliament that is speaking out for the future health of Australian youth. "The additional $50 million in a range of measures designed to tackle binge drinking which has been added to the package is a bonus."

Ms Wilson said, "Excessive drinking of alcohol at any age increased the risk of damage to the kidneys and Kidney Health Australia supports water - nature's choice as the preferred drink to quench thirst.

"We would urge all Members of Parliament to support the current legislation as a major step in dealing with alcohol abuse amongst young people. This is a growing public issue that requires a series of major public health responses, including higher taxes on Alcopops," Ms Wilson said.

Kidney Health Australia Tips to Limit Alcohol
Excessive alcohol intake can lead to heart disease and high blood pressure, increasing the risk of kidney disease.

Tips to cut down on your alcohol intake:

Limit alcohol to two standard drinks per day for men, and one per day for women.

Ask for ice with your drinks - when the ice melts it will dilute alcohol.

Alternate your drinks by having a glass of water in between each alcoholic drink.

If you want to feel like you're partaking in a drinking session, fake it - drink your water from a wine glass.


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