Brittany Cairns Interview

Brittany Cairns Interview

Brittany Cairns Interview

With Keith Urban telling her -the world's yours' and a barrage of dedicated fans already, Brittany Cairns is set to create waves as her first single Behind The Scenes drops to radio. The beautiful and incredibly talented Brittany first delighted audiences on 2012's The Voice and is the first independent artist to come out of the hit show.

The first single from Brittany's self-titled EP, Behind The Scenes is a catchy, fun and happy tune that is reminiscent of Brittany's bubbly and outgoing personality. The track was co-written and produced by Rob Connolly who has worked with Australian artists including; Savage Garden, Darren Hayes and Tina Arena.

'Behind The Scenes is a fun pop track that I think many people will relate to. I'm excited to release my debut single independently and step out into the spotlight and show people who I am as an artist." says Brittany of her debut single release.

Brittany Cairns has had an incredible journey since The Voice, with tours in New Zealand and performances at various festivals around Australia. She has already achieved chart success with her rendition of Jes Hudak's Different Worlds, reaching no.1 and no.7 on the iTunes and ARIA charts respectively.

The talented singer/songwriter has worked with some of the best in the business, heading to Los Angeles late last year to work with leading songwriters and producers such as Johnny Severin (Red One) who has previously worked with Lady Gaga and Usher and co-writing with Lindsey Ray who most recently worked with Mariah Carey on her latest single, -Almost Home', Demi Lovato and Leanna James McCollum who has written for Carrie Underwood and Kelly Clarkson.

A chance meeting with Different Worlds writer and producer, Steven Stern whilst in Los Angeles lead to a co-writing opportunity and a track that is slated for release later in the year.

'It was an amazing opportunity to meet and work with Steve especially after performing his song on The Voice, we had a great writing session and I am looking forward to releasing our track later in the year. He was hugely inspirational and encouraging."

Behind The Scenes is available nationally from on iTunes with Brittany's EP available later this year.


Interview with Brittany Cairns

Question: How did it feel to hear your song played all over the airwaves?

Brittany Cairns: Crazy! It kind of felt like I was just playing my iTunes library, that it wasn't on radio, or that it was on a station that only I could hear!

Question: How would you describe Behind The Scenes?

Brittany Cairns: A fun, light hearted, summer song that you can crank in the car on the way to the beach.

Question: What have you been up to since The Voice?

Brittany Cairns: Not much sleeping that's for sure! I've been very busy travelling, organising my EP, finishing my EP and setting the foundation of what I hope to be a long lasting career!

Question: What was it like working with Steven Stern? How did that come about?

Brittany Cairns: It was absolutely incredible, I was watching the AMAS in the apartment in LA with my manager and I was talking about how much I wanted to be there when I got a Facebook message from him and he said "...I see we both have a number one... and I notice you're in LA, come to the studio if you have a free day and we can write another number one hit". At first I thought, is this legit, and I Googled him and freaked out and the rest is history on my EP!

Question: What should we expect from the upcoming EP?

Brittany Cairns: A little bit of everything! I wanted to have fun with varieties of genres whilst still keeping the core of who I am in each song. There's a ballad, a countryish one, a few pop songs; I love it! It was so much fun to make.

Question: Do you write your own songs? What's your inspiration?

Brittany Cairns: I do. I struggle to write by myself, I feel like I write half a song and then stop; so collaborating is the best way for me. My inspiration is basically the day to day things that I don't tell anyone, song writing is my way to get my secrets or my inner feeling out.

Question: What music/artists do you listen to when you are not playing your own?
Brittany Cairns: Ellie Goulding, Mutemath, Coldplay, John Mayer, Kings of Leon, Ne Empire, Ed Sheeran, Alt J - the list goes on forever haha!

Question: What's next? Tour/Album/Single?

Brittany Cairns: Another single, then the EP, then HOPEFULLY a little mini tour , but that's not planned yet.

Question: Was there a moment you contemplated throwing in the towel?

Brittany Cairns: There's one little moment in almost every day! But it doesn't last long! Thank goodness. I'm still here and I'm still kicking.

Question: Do you prefer performing live or recording?

Brittany Cairns: Recording sounds better, but performing is so much more fun! Working with a band/crew is the best feeling ever. It's not just the artist that makes the show, it takes a village.

Question: What/who was your inspiration to go into the music industry?

Brittany Cairns: My dad, he has always believed that I was destined for it.

Question: What advice do you have for this year's contestants on The Voice?

Brittany Cairns: BE YOURSELF. Believe it or not, falseness comes through the telly screen. And, there is life beyond the show; you have a purpose that's bigger than the show! If you stuff up, it's actually not the end of you, so have fun!

Question: What did you learn most from The Voice?

Brittany Cairns: I will never sing like them but they will never sing like me either.

Question: What's a typical day like?

Brittany Cairns: Filled with cuppa teas! If I'm not doing promo, I'm rushing to an event, if I have the day off I'm in my trackies watching movies and I don't leave the house!

Question: What has been your favourite part of becoming a music artist?

Brittany Cairns: Meeting people, and jamming with other freak muso's, I absolutely love it.

Question: If you could collaborate with another artist, who would it be?

Brittany Cairns: Mutemath! That band is perfection and I would be so honoured to collaborate with them. And John Mayer, I think our voices would blend well... well I'd make them blend well (laughs).

Question: Do you have a website fans can visit?

Brittany Cairns:


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