Krista Vendy

Krista Vendy
"Neighbours...everybody needs good neighbours..." and am sure that every male in town would want one as gorgeous, smart and funny as Neighbours star Krista Vendy. Born into a musical family, it would only be a matter of time before Krista's ambition to be an entertainer would flourish and what better way to seriously kick start her acting career than a role on the much loved Aussie drama "Neighbours" - where past stars have included Kylie, Natalie Imbruglia and Russell Crowe who have since gone on to become household names.

GIRL chatted with Krista recently where she gave us the lowdown on life as an actress and her spunky Neighbours co-stars!

GIRL: Firstly, how did the Neighbours role come about?

Krista: I auditioned through my agency and four months later, I got the job.

GIRL: Now you play school teacher Tess Bell on the popular show. Are there any similarities between yourself and the character you play in Neighbours?

Krista: Tess is a perfectionist when it comes to doing certain things, for example, work and cleaning. I am not a cleaning freak like she is, but I have the same work ethics as she does.

GIRL: What attracted you to the acting profession?

Krista: You get to play so many different roles. At high school I wanted to be a million different things so acting is the one profession where you can do them all.

GIRL: Is acting as glamorous as it seems?

Krista: Not at all! The starts are sometimes ridiculously early (5.30 am) which I hate!

GIRL: Describe a typical day for you Krista.

Krista: You can't plan a day until you receive your filming schedule the week before. It usually consists of filming all day, then some publicity commitments, then maybe an appearance at night, then sleep!

GIRL: What has been one of the highlights to date, of your acting career?

Krista: Going to the Cannes Film Festival and also the Logie Awards.

GIRL: Who has had a major influence on your career?

Krista: Many people from all walks of life, but my own intuition has led me on this path.

GIRL: You started out as a model and enjoyed considerable success both here and abroad. What is your favourite location in the world?

Krista: Turkey - it is truly one place where the East meets West.

GIRL: Do you find it flattering or scary, when people recognize you in the street?

Krista: A bit of both. Most of the time I'm flattered. But sometimes you need your personal space.

GIRL: Now we have to ask, what is it like working with the two "hotties" of Ramsay Street? (Of course we're referring to Dan Paris and Daniel MacPherson)

Krista: What can I say......awesome!

GIRL: If you were given the opportunity to work with an actor of your choice, who would it be and why?

Krista: Kevin Spacey because he is talented, charismatic and I could learn so much from him and the choices he has made in his life.

GIRL: What is it like living with GIRL's resident E-Witch - Fiona Horne? Dish us the goss!

Krista: When there is a full moon - watch out! Fiona is a very talented girl and a great friend.

GIRL: What words of wisdom can you offer to budding young actors trying to break in to a very competitive industry?

Krista: Every NO is a step closer to a YES.

GIRL: What cartoon character best describes you?

Krista: Scooby Doo - charismatic but clumsy!

GIRL: Where do you envision yourself in five years time?

Krista: Hopefully acting in films here, but perhaps also overseas.


Star Sign: Capricorn
Hobbies/Interests: Latin Dancing, Yoga, Cross-country running

Fave Food: Everything
Fave Film: Shawshank Redemption
Fave Colour: Pale colours
Fave Actor: Kevin Spacey

- Annemarie Failla


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