6 Ways to Improve Your Skincare Routine

6 Ways to Improve Your Skincare Routine

Has it always been your dream to have clear, glowing skin? Are acne, blemishes, and wrinkles getting in the way of achieving your skincare goals?

Taking care of your skin is a lifestyle decision. Like with anything else, it requires time, effort, and patience. However, there are certain things you can do to help improve your skincare routine and achieve healthy and poreless skin.

Here are six ways to improve your skincare routine to skyrocket your confidence.

1) Wash Your Face Regularly

As simple as this insight is, washing your face twice a day can do wonders for your skin's health. It gets rid of dirt, oil, impurities, and makeup that can clog your pores and cause breakouts.

Washing your face with a gentle cleanser is key to good-looking skin. Be sure to remove makeup before starting the wash. Then, choose a cleanser depending on your skin type. If you have dry skin, opt for a hydrating cleanser. If you have oily skin, look for a gel or foaming cleanser.

After washing your face, gently blot your skin with a clean towel to remove any excess water. Avoid rubbing your skin, especially on the face, as this can irritate it.

2) Invest in Good Quality Skincare Products

It's also important to invest in good quality skincare products that are tailored to your specific skin type.

Using a skincare product with the wrong ingredients isn't only ineffective, it can also inadvertently make your skin health worse.

For instance, a creamer is generally a great product to use for dry skin. However, if the creamer contains a polymer called Polyethylene glycol, it can cause skin irritation. Siloxanes, a chemical that's found in many skincare products, can cause endocrine disruption"not to mention, it's also harmful to the environment.

To avoid bringing harmful skincare products on your shelves, do some research and find natural skincare products that contain high-quality ingredients.

These products will not only nourish your skin, but they'll also keep you safe from any harmful ingredients that can worsen your health.

3) Get Plenty of Sleep

You can be doing all the right things for your skin, but if you're not getting ample sleep, you're not going to make any progress.

As such, make sure that you're getting enough sleep every night. Most adults need to sleep at least 7 hours a night for optimal health. Any less than that and there's a high chance for you to develop health problems.

When you don't get enough sleep, your face starts to form dark circles and dull-looking skin. Health risks are also a frequent occurrence to the sleep-deprived individual.

The reason behind this association can be traced to the hormonal level. Cortisol, or the stress hormone, can rapidly increase when you're sleep-deprived. Cortisol can trigger inflammation, which can then cause several skin problems like acne, psoriasis, and eczema. Nothing anyone would want.

As such, aim to get at least 7 hours of sleep every night to help improve your skin's health"and overall health, for that matter.

4) Try Zinc-Rich Supplements

Zinc plays a vital role in the skin. It helps in cell turnover, wound healing, and collagen production"all of which are vital for skin health.

In addition to that, zinc is a potent anti-aging mineral. It helps improve the skin by decreasing wrinkly-looking skin at a molecular level, helping middle-aged women look like they're in their 30s or younger.

Zinc is also a good supplement for fighting against a slew of skin diseases. In particular, it's been known to be an effective remedy in treating melasma, eczema, and rosacea.

With that said, if you want to get good-looking skin, be sure to incorporate zinc into your diet through zinc-rich foods like oysters, pumpkin seeds, and dark chocolate. You can also take zinc supplements like Life Botanics skin tablets to make sure that you're getting enough of this mineral.

5) Don't Forget About Sunscreen 

If you live in a place with harsh sunlight, sunscreen should be a non-negotiable part of your skincare routine.

The reason can be traced to the largest source of light in our solar system: the sun. This massive, fiery ball of fire emits harmful ultraviolet (UV) rays that can destroy your skin cells and accelerate the skin-aging process.

Not only that, but UV rays can also increase your risk for skin cancer. In fact, Australia is the nation with the highest skin cancer incidence rate back in 2020.

To protect your skin from the harmful effects of the sun, always put on sunscreen with an SPF of 30 or higher. Reapply every two hours or more frequently if you're staying outside longer.

6) Hydrate In General

It should be no surprise to anyone that water is essential for us to live. From the digestive system to the urinary system, water makes its way into every organ system in the body. Our skin health is no different.

There are many reasons why water is so important to skin health. But the most notable reasons are that it helps keep the skin elastic, prevents dryness, and flushes out toxins from the body. This, in turn, helps prevent the formation of pimples while also keeping the skin looking youthful and bright.

If someone's dehydrated, their body will become dry, cracked, and flaky. As such, if you're looking to become less self-conscious about your skin, be sure to drink at least 8 glasses of water a day.


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