Bel Woods Running Interview

Bel Woods Running Interview

Australian Indie Pop Starlet

Australian Indie Pop starlet, Bel Woods has released her debut single Running to all major digital platforms.

Bel Woods has a lot to say, and music might be the best way she knows how. In fact, there's not much that the Sydney-based indie-pop artist loves more than flirting with serendipity as she combines her inner monologue with melodies she's dreamt up. It might happen in an hour, or it might take months, but the one constant in Bel's writing process is her patience and perseverance to uncover those seemingly elusive diamonds in the rough.

Bel got bit by the music bug at a very young age, though it was arguably Alanis Morisette's 'Jagged Little Pill' that kickstarted her off on her fated musical quest, as she figured out its guitar parts from a tablature book. It wasn't long before she started creating lo-fi recordings and dabbling in projects of her own.

After moving to Sydney from Wauchope, NSW, Bel started playing various acoustic solo gigs around Newtown from 2007 which included The Vanguard, Lansdowne and The Sando, with a notable support to Sarah McLeod from the SuperJesus in 2014.

Fast forward to today, Bel has put the finishing touches on her debut single 'Running'. Produced by multi-instrumentalist and Tales In Space's front man Luke Bertoz. Running is a stripped back, but high-octane band-pop affair.

Interview with Bel Woods

Question: How would you describe your music?

Bel Woods: I would describe my debut single as high energy indie-pop!

Question: What inspired Running?

Bel Woods: Running was inspired by a personal relationship that was in a cycle of breaking up and getting back together. I was sitting in my bedroom one afternoon, strumming my guitar and the lyrics just starting coming through. It became a letter to myself and to my boyfriend about what was happening between us and what we should do.

Question: What was it like working with Luke Bertoz?

Bel Woods: Working with Luke was incredibly fun! We'd bounce in, have a laugh, make a cup of tea then get to work.

Question: What message do you hope to spread with the song, Running?

Bel Woods: That it's common to be in a situation of going back and forth with an ex, but ultimately you'll both need to make a choice.

Question: Where did the idea for the video come from?

Bel Woods: Stef Smith (Director) came up with the idea of five different styles of women from the past, present and future to show the narrative of the song could apply to us anyone.

Question: If you could have anyone, in the world, attend a show, who would it be?

Bel Woods: Now that's a hard question (laughs) I have so many heroes, if I had to boil it down to one person, today it would be Sia. I just think she's a gorgeous human being, quirky, has a generous spirit and a super fun vibe!

Question: Do you prefer performing live or recording?

Bel Woods: At the moment I love performing live. It's a totally different experience in the studio. You go through a major process of deciding exactly how you want the song to sound on an official permanent release. Then when you perform it live, you have the opportunity to perform it like the studio release or a completely different version. I love the flexibility.

Question: What motivates you most when writing music?

Bel Woods: I generally get the random sense to start creating a song at any given time. I could be going for a walk, reading a book or shopping and then a melody or lyric will float into my head. If it seems good enough, I'll record it into my phone. I'll then visit my voice archive at a more opportune time and work on the lyrics, chords and structure. Sometimes the process to completion is really quick and other times I'll rest a song and return to it the next day, the next month or even years later to finish it.

Question: Which music/artists are you currently listening to?

Bel Woods: I'm listening to HalfNoise (Zac Farro - Paramore). In particular: Flowerss & All That Love Is, I'm completely in love with these singles.

Question: What or who was your inspiration to go into the music industry?

Bel Woods: It was Alanis Morisette's album and tablature book 'Jagged Little Pill' that inspired me and set me on my path to record my first demo. By pure coincidence, my engineer even had the same surname as Alanis's Producer, Glen Ballard!

Question: If you could collaborate with another artist, who would it be?

Bel Woods: Definitely LCD Soundsystem, they are musically inventive and original. Inspirational.

Question: What has been your favourite part of becoming a music artist?

Bel Woods: My favourite part of becoming a music artist is impacting people with my songs in a positive way, like therapy, music therapy!

Question: Can you share your socials?

Bel Woods:

Interview by Brooke Hunter


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