Noddy Builds A Rocketship

Noddy Builds A Rocketship

Join Noddy and his friends in Toyland!

In the first adventure, Noddy dreams of travelling into the night sky and zooming up the stars. So, with the help from his friends Master Tubby Bear, Martha Monkey and Miss Pink Cat, he builds a fantastic home-made rocketship. But how will Noddy get it to fly? Maybe Big-Ears will be able to help....

Including 8 wonderful tales for children to enjoy, they will think it goes over and over....

  • The out of control Tower - The Tower is out of control can Tubby Bear believe in himself again and come up with a good idea?
  • Noddy's Car Trouble - Noddy learns the hard way that he should not be so bossy.
  • Bumpy Dog's Day - Noddy looks after Bumpy Dog who keeps causing accidents.
  • Noddy and the Naughty Box - Can Noddy make all his deliveries with the Naughty Box causing so much trouble.
  • Skittle in the Middle - One of the skittle's wants to try something new.
  • Noddy and the Broken Plates - Noddy gets tricked, but makes the best of the situation.
  • Martha Monkey's Banana Pie - Martha's pie goes missing, goes on a journey and finds it way back home.
  • A Grey Day in Toyland - Where has all the colour gone? Can Noddy help toyland bring back the colour.

    RRP $19.95
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    Nobby may have been around for many years, but there is an irresistable charm to these new Noddy stories that children just adore. Interesting, clever & creative with helpful underlying messages.

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