Virgo's Horoscopes |



Born between: August 23rd - Sep 22nd

Dedicated and accomplished are the best ways to describe a Virgo as they have profound morals and are often initiative. However those born under the Virgo star sign need to take extra care to control their temper and be patient.

Someone you've known for a long time may move away or otherwise vanish from your life. He or she may move to a distant state. You'll probably stay in touch by phone or email, but it will never be the same, at least not for a long time. You will feel better if you meet some new people. They will come your way today, possibly through humanitarian group activities.
You took off like a bullet a few days ago, Virgo, making great progress in a short amount of time. But now you're grappling with doubts that are undermining all your energy. Reflecting on the events of the past few days, it's obvious that you were somewhat reckless in your headlong pursuit of your goals. Don't give up! Just rethink your strategy.
Emotionally speaking, you're probably doing quite well today, Virgo. You have extra self-confidence to draw on to tackle your projects. The one difficult aspect of the day probably has to do with some sort of mental challenge that for some reason just isn't making sense. Don't continue to beat a dead horse. If things don't want to budge, let them sit. Tackle them later.
There's extra aggression in your world today, Virgo. Realize that this is probably due more to your reaction to a situation than to the situation itself. It could be that you're in conflict with someone just because he or she wants harmony while you have a propensity to fight. This paradox is likely to be detrimental to your psyche unless you try to change it.
Act without hesitation today, Virgo, especially if you're following unfamiliar directions or exploring new territory. This may not seem like the best advice, but this is a day for saying an unflinching yes to all manner of proposals that come your way, even if some are unclear. Virgo excels at this type of test. Expect to be at the head of the class by the end of the day!
People sometimes say that you're a little aggressive in your approach, Virgo. But today you feel a little tired of leading the charge on the battlefield. You can learn a lot from your friends who can teach you to think of things in relative terms without allowing yourself to become emotionally involved in every situation. Try to relax for a change!
You might feel a great deal of physical power on a day like today, Virgo. If someone asks you to come help move a couch, you're likely to be able to pick up the whole thing by yourself. Don't sell yourself short. You have more internal strength than you reveal to others. There's no need to hide it any longer. Feel free to make use of this great power you possess.
Financial issues may interfere with your self-expression today, Virgo. Perhaps you need a little more money before proceeding with a project that means a lot to you. You usually aren't one to let this kind of consideration stop you, though. Just a little bit of thought and planning could make whatever it is you want to do more feasible than it appears to be. Write down some ideas and go to it!
Feel free to stand up for yourself, a cause, or another person today, even if you know it will cause tension among the others around you. A heated argument is likely to ensue, and it wouldn't be surprising if you were the catalyst. Passionate debates are right up your alley, so use this as an opportunity to demonstrate your courage and strength in what you believe.
The day ahead should give you an opportunity to analyze the events of the past three weeks, Virgo. You will draw many important conclusions about your love life. You may conclude that matters have evolved little, if at all. This is discouraging, to be sure, but don't place too much trust in appearances. Remember, things aren't always as they seem.
Information could come your way today that starts you thinking about new and revolutionary ideas. Perhaps they involve modern technology or social and political issues. Opportunities to meet new friends who share your interests could come through group activities. You should be feeling especially curious and optimistic about the future, Virgo, and whatever exchanges with others you have are likely to set your mind buzzing.
Is discipline high on your list of priorities lately, Virgo? You're undoubtedly trying to inject some order into your daily life, and your behavior could benefit from some adjustment as well. Whether it concerns food, hygiene, or simply the intensity of your daily rhythm, it's possible that you will notice a real improvement today.
It's time to get what you need, Virgo. Your desires don't always go in a direction that does you the most good, and this can cause tension. You feel as though it's impossible to combine your desires with what is good for you, notably in your love life. You wrestle with whether you should remain in your "creative" cave or share your life with someone. It doesn't have to be one or the other.
Often fiery temperaments like yours are drawn to fight for great causes despite the better judgment of more down-to-Earth people. As a result, you have great leadership potential that may emerge today. Your courage, enthusiasm, and vigor will be contagious when you climb onto your soapbox.
Your plane is fueled, your bags packed, and you have clearance from the control tower, but for some reason, Virgo, you just can't seem to get off the ground. Perhaps there are details of the trip that you haven't taken into account. People are firing questions at you, and you don't have all the answers. This is especially true when it comes to matters of love and romance.
Don't be surprised if you feel a real need for some breathing room today, Virgo. As much as you enjoy the company of others, you need to have time to yourself as well. See if you can work in a private space or simply shut your door. If you need to move in order to be alone, hop in the car and go. Irritability is a good indicator of when you need to get away from the crowd.
Chances are good that you will feel strong and confident today, Virgo. It's a good time to try something you've never done before. You might be the right person to get things started, especially if it's about something you want to see changed. If you've never run for office before or taken a leadership role in another area, consider doing this. You have the power and popularity to make a real difference.
A desire to be creative could have you experimenting with various kinds of artistic disciplines, perhaps in connection with computers, Virgo. At some point today you could be in the right place at the right time, receiving just the right help from someone who can point you in whatever direction you want to go. Ambitious plans could fill your head and keep your mind buzzing. Make a list! It might help.
Your energy is probably high today, almost to the point where you feel you might be able to run a marathon! Seriously, Virgo, you're probably thinking in terms of getting out of town for a while. Exercising or participating in solo sports could also be appealing. You might direct some of this energy into creative projects. Take care not to overdo it. You could still get too tired.
It's possible that you're trying to do too much, Virgo. If look at the days you spend working, you may realize that too much of your energy goes to some very meager results. Today, consider taking some time off to take advantage of life. Why not go out for a nice dinner with friends, or even better, go on a little vacation? Try and let things happen. You deserve time just for you!
You may feel like the brakes have been slammed in the romance department, Virgo. Realize that this doesn't mean you have to stop having fun. Laughter and good times are in store for you today as long as you don't get hung up on the slow pace of your love life. You can have a good time while taking things one step at a time. Savor each moment. Don't try to rush to the next.
It's time to get yourself together. You tend to be all over the place. You need to channel your energies into something you really care about. Tell yourself how proud you would be if you could get this done. Don't give up and don't change directions on your way. Stay focused!
In a series of days that have tested your patience to the limit, here comes the moment of truth that could make or break you. You can expect a high-pressure day when you will be induced to express your deepest motivations. A confrontation with an authority figure could trigger an outburst. Do your best to remain levelheaded, Virgo.
Don't expect to meet the partner of your dreams today, Virgo. Rather, your romantic hopes are likely to meet with frustration. It would be better to devote your energies to something more realistic, such as your financial situation. It probably does need some attention, wouldn't you agree? If you redirect your energy, the rewards are more likely to be forthcoming.
Don't spend beyond your means today, Virgo! If you happen to know some enthusiastic shoppers, it could be disastrous for your finances if you get caught up in the frenzy. On the other hand, perhaps you owe yourself a reward for all your hard work. Is there a gift you could give yourself that doesn't involve money? Time, perhaps?
Your aggressive attitude is likely to start a fight that might be difficult to settle now, Virgo. There are extremely stubborn forces at work, and you may find that no one is willing to budge from their position. The thing that is apt to make this even more difficult is that people may misinterpret certain pieces of the puzzle. Try to bring understanding to the situation instead of more aggression.
You will likely find it difficult to keep your mind on serious matters with today's playful planetary energies, Virgo. You're in the mood for romance, and you want to make sure everything is in place for a flawless evening with that special someone. You have the sexy outfit and food being delivered, and that's just for starters. No wonder you can't concentrate, with such an amazing evening to look forward to.
In navigating the seas of your emotional life, Virgo, you may feel as though you've made a great effort over the past month. You've been available and conciliatory and have done your best to maintain harmony. With today's celestial energy, you want to be more spontaneous. The enterprising and reckless you has returned!
You may have doubts over the next few days, Virgo. Don't make any important decisions about your future during this relatively unproductive period. If someone in your professional or personal life asks you to make more of a commitment, you may be tempted to put on the brakes without really knowing why. Wait a while before answering this kind of question.
Uncertainty about spiritual matters and doubt about your insights might have you down in the dumps today. Don't try to force any solutions - it won't work. This isn't a good day to be out and about, because travel of any kind could pose problems. This is also a bad day to plan or start a vacation. Stay close to home and take care of practicalities, Virgo. That way you will be calm by evening.

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