Healthy Skin & Beauty Busters

Healthy Skin & Beauty Busters
>>>>>BEAUTY WATCH<<<<<

Clear and soft skin is one of the greatest beauty assets. While your genes determine your actual skin-type, there are four steps you can follow on a day-to-day basis to ensure your skin always looks and feels as good as possible.

CLEANSE: This is a necessary step to clear skin of grime, dead skin cells and makeup combined with sebum and sweat. As there is a cleanser for every skin type, there really is no excuse! Foaming cleansers are good for normal skin types; gel cleansers are ideal for oily skin and lotions are best suited for dry skin types, as dry skin needs to retain as much moisture as possible.

TONE: This step is optional and usually reserved for oily to acne-prone skin.

EXFOLIATE: Dead skin cells accumulate on the top layer of skin contributing to a dull, lacklustre complexion. To remove these dead cells, exfoliation is recommended, but the key is to ensure you are gentle, as you are polishing your face, not your coffee table!

MOISTURISE: The purpose of moisturising is that it leaves a film on the skin's surface that seals in moisture and prevents water loss. Unless your skin is oil prone, you'll probably need a moisturiser to smooth and soften your skin. For normal skin types, light water-based lotions are best. Dry skins can benefit from a heavier night cream and hydrating lotion to wear during the day. While oily skins that do require moisture, are best applied with a light, oil-free moisture.


Flaky Mascara - If you are experiencing this problem, it usually is an indication that your mascara is too old and the oils that give your mascara a creamy consistency have dried out. This problem can be made worse by pumping air into the dispenser when replacing the cap, so be gentle.

It is recommended that you replace your mascara every few months!

You can try to revive your old mascara by dropping it into a glass of warm water for a few minutes before applying it. If mascara continues to flake on your lashes, the only solution is to remove it thoroughly and make a clean start.

Straggly Eyebrows - An unsightly scene, eyebrows should be tidied with regular tweezing sessions. The ideal time is after a bath or shower when the hairs will be easier to remove due to the pores becoming open from the heat. Before going to sleep at night is also another good option, so you won't have to face the next day with reddened skin! Definitely not attractive at all!

For the perfect brow, begin by brushing your brows into place so you can see the natural shape. Then pluck one hair at a time in the direction of growth. First remove the hairs between your brows and then weed out the area under the eye. Tweeze any stray hairs at the outer sides.

As a general rule, avoid plucking above the eyebrow area or you may risk distorting the shape of your brows. The only exception is if there are hairs growing well above the natural browline.

Bleeding Lipstick - To prevent your lipstick from bleeding into the fine lines around your mouth, a lipliner is the obvious solution. Firstly, lightly powder over and around your lips - this will give your lippy colour something to hold on to. Trace your lip outline with your pencil, then apply lip colour with a brush. A drier, textured matte lipstick is a good choice as they are less prone to bleed than the moisturising variety.


Keep your smile looking its best by changing your toothbrush as soon as the bristles begin to splay - this means at least every three months! It is recommended that you brush your teeth for at least two minutes, every morning and evening.

- Annemarie Failla


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