Time To Get A Job - Hints & Tips

Time To Get A Job - Hints & Tips

So it's time to join the WORKFORCE?!?!

Whether you're looking for work after completion of your studies or want part time employment after School, entering the workforce doesn't need to be a traumatising experience. All you need to be successful, is to be well prepared.

Preparing for the interview

First impressions count, look professional by dressing appropriately. Platform shoes, micro minis and glitter are for the weekend - keep hair neat and makeup neutral.

The interview

Do some research on the company before the interview and take an extra copy of your resume for your own reference. Employers are looking for cheerful, enthusiastic individuals. Don't be afraid to show your personality.

It's okay to take time to think before answering questions. If asked what your weaknesses are, choose things that can be improved with experience, i.e., your skills with a certain PC program need refining, but you're prepared to undergo training. You'll be given an opportunity to ask questions during the interview. Discuss conditions such as holidays, salary or training.

Highlight your impressive skills and achievements. Be positive, confident and smile throughout.

The first day

Your first day can be daunting with new names, faces and tons to learn.

Don't be afraid to ask questions. Employers prefer you seek guidance rather than waste time stuck on something for an hour. If you do make a mistake, approach your supervisor explaining what has happened, and ask them to show you where you went wrong so it won't happen in future. They'll appreciate your honesty.

Your performance

Many companies promote internally, so displaying initiative can take you far. If you're not busy, offer to take on extra tasks. This shows enthusiasm and expands your skills and knowledge, giving you an edge. If you have good ideas about improving customer service or procedures, approach your supervisor.

Didn't work out?

So the job wasn't what you expected? Be gracious when leaving - you may need a reference in future. Be fair to your employer and give enough notice so they have time to find a replacement.

If you don't succeed the first time, try and try again. The more interviews you attend the more confident and experienced you become. Remember, the people interviewing you and employing you have had to do exactly the same thing . Good luck!

- Rachael


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