Femail Business Services

Femail Business Services

Recent studies have shown that the web has grown to more than 3.2 billion pages and is growing at the rate of 11 million pages per day. Internet users now spend five or more hours a week online. In 90% of cases users refer to Search Engines & Directories in order to find information, products or services they require. This means that Search Engines are a critical component to generate traffic to your website. So how do you ensure you are listed on as many Search Engines & Directories as possible without spending a fortune or dedicating valuable time and resources?

  • Do It Yourself Search Engine Marketing $ 185

    SubmitWolf PRO - is a do-it-yourself Online Website Promotional & Marketing Kit. This multi-award winning software package will PROMOTE YOUR WEBSITE to thousands of Search Engines & Directories! Plus maximize your Web Exposure by Multi-Submitting to 500,000 Link Pages, increasing website hits and boosting your ranking potential. SubmitWolf automates the process of submitting your website/URL to the many Search Engines, Directories & Link Pages for listing. Months of work done in Minutes! FREE online support.

    ORDER NOW - michelle@femail.com.au

  • Short Courses - Website Marketing & Online Promotions $ 295

    Learn the tricks of the trade to successful Website Promotion from the Professionals. More details

  • Femail Web Marketing Services $ 595

    If you don't have time or would rather outsource your online marketing needs to the professionals, Femail's Web Marketing Services package includes:

  • Submission of your Website/URL to 1000's of Search Engines & Directories
  • Submission to 500,000 link pages to increase your popularity and ranking
  • Full 1-year guaranteed listing on the Inktomi search engine network. (Inktomi provides search results for major search engines such as: MSN, Hotbot, Cnet, LookSmart, iWon + many more. Guaranteed 48-hour inclusion into the Inktomi database, with 48-hour URL refresh, ensuring your listing details are always current
  • Full 1-year guaranteed listing on AltaVista US
  • Full 1-year guaranteed listing on WebWombat

    ORDER NOW - michelle@femail.com.au

  • Femail Web Marketing Plus Package $ 1299

    For those who want to develop some serious website traffic, Femail can offer the Web Marketing PLUS package including:

  • Submission of your Website/URL to 1000's of Search Engines & Directories
  • Submission to 500,000 link pages to increase your popularity and ranking
  • Full 1-year guaranteed listing on the Inktomi search engine network. (Inktomi provides search results for major search engines such as: MSN, Hotbot, Cnet, LookSmart, iWon + many more. Guaranteed 48-hour inclusion into the Inktomi database, with 48-hour URL refresh, ensuring your listing details are always current
  • Full 1-year guaranteed listing on AltaVista US
  • Full 1-year guaranteed listing on AltaVista AU
  • Full 1-year guaranteed listing on WebWombat AU
  • Full 1-year guaranteed listing on LookSmart AU
    * This package guarantees a listing in the majority of Australian Search Engines.

    ORDER NOW -michelle@femail.com.au

  • Femail Web Marketing Gold Package $ 1999

    Femail's Web Marketing GOLD package is a comprehensive campaign to ensure your website's Search Engine listing and maximum web exposure. Package includes:

  • Submission of your Website/URL to 1000's of Search Engines & Directories
  • Submission to 500,000 link pages to increase your popularity and ranking
  • Full 1-year guaranteed listing on the Inktomi search engine network. (Inktomi provides search results for major search engines such as: MSN, Hotbot, Cnet, LookSmart, iWon + many more. Guaranteed 48-hour inclusion into the Inktomi database, with 48-hour URL refresh, ensuring your listing details are always current
  • Full 1-year guaranteed listing on AltaVista US
  • Full 1-year guaranteed listing on AltaVista AU
  • Full 1-year guaranteed listing on WebWombat AU
  • Full 1-year guaranteed listing on LookSmart AU
  • Full 1-year guaranteed listing on LookSmart UK
  • Full 1-year guaranteed listing on Slider
  • Full 1-year guaranteed listing on WhatUseek

    ORDER NOW michelle@femail.com.au

  • Femail Web Marketing Global Package $ 2999

    Femail's Web Marketing GLOBAL package is a comprehensive marketing and globalization campaign that ensures your website is listed on the maximum number of Search Engines with. Package includes:

  • Submission of your Website/URL to 1000's of Search Engines & Directories
  • Submission to 500,000 link pages to increase your popularity and ranking
  • Full 1-year guaranteed listing on the Inktomi search engine network. (Inktomi provides search results for major search engines such as: MSN, Hotbot, Cnet, LookSmart, iWon + many more. Guaranteed 48-hour inclusion into the Inktomi database, with 48-hour URL refresh, ensuring your listing details are always current
  • Full 1-year guaranteed listing on AltaVista US
  • Full 1-year guaranteed listing on AltaVista AU
  • Full 1-year guaranteed listing on WebWombat AU
  • Full 1-year guaranteed listing on LookSmart AU
  • Full 1-year guaranteed listing on LookSmart UK
  • Full 1-year guaranteed listing on Slider
  • Full 1-year guaranteed listing on WhatUseek
  • Translation of your main page into your choice of three languages. (Chinese, Czech, Danish, Dutch, French, German, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Portuguese, Russian, Spanish & Swedish)
  • Submission to regional Search Engines

    ORDER NOW - michelle@femail.com.au

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