Tahlia Francis Australia's Youngest Nutrition Expert Interview

Tahlia Francis Australia's Youngest Nutrition Expert Interview

Australia's Youngest Nutrition Expert

After a nationwide competition, Australian Bananas found cheeky 9-year old Tahlia who has plenty of tips, tricks and recipes which she shares with families to help make their bodies sing!

Tahlia claims she can't get through the day without her banana fix and always chooses the banana flavour - she would put it on just about anything. This enthusiastic young expert has been chosen to help champion and educate about the health benefits of the nation's favourite fruit.

Interview with Tahlia Francis

Question: What made you want to enter the Australian Bananas competition?

Tahlia Francis: I wanted to enter because I love bananas and wanted to tell everyone why we should all eat bananas every day and I hope that entering my video will make people love them as much as I do!

Question: What do you love most about Australian Bananas?

Tahlia Francis: I love that they are delicious, easy to eat and give me lots of energy at school and for my afterschool sports. I can eat them on the run without making a mess.

Question: How does it feel to be titled "Australia's youngest nutrition expert"?

Tahlia Francis: It's a really cool name to be called a "banana-ologist" and share my love of bananas with everyone!

Question: What banana tips can you share with us?

Tahlia Francis: I like bananas in banana bread and especially love added them to smoothies… My best tip is to pack one in your school bag for morning tea every single day.

Question: What inspires you to choose healthy and nutritious food?

Tahlia Francis: So I have lots of energy for school and sports, helps my heart beat fast and one day maybe have a six pack (laughs).

Question: What are your five favourite foods?

Tahlia Francis: 1. Spaghetti Bolognaise (with lots of veggies)
2. Banana Bread (extra banana please!)
3. Lasagne
4. Avocado on Toast
5. Fruit Smoothie (with extra banana, again, please!)

Question: Can you share your favourite banana recipe, with us?

Tahlia Francis: My Daddy's banana bread (I don't know where he got it from but it is yummy with no added nasty bits so the Banana flavour tastes yum yum):

3 large bananas (they need to be ripe, apparently… so the browner the better!)
4 eggs
¼ cup honey
some coconut oil
1 tsp cinnamon
1 tsp vanilla extract
1 tsp bicarb soda
3 tsp lemon juice
2 cups almond meal
½ cup hazelnut meal
¼ cup white chia seeds
shredded coconut to sprinkle on top to make it fancy!


Simply combine, mix, spoon into a baking tin, bake for 40-45mins and leave to cool before you eat. I like eating mine with a little butter on top!

Interview by Brooke Hunter


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