The Real Miley Cyrus:
Want to know the real Miley Cyrus? With the complete first season of Hannah Montana now in stores, we caught up with the Hannah Montana cutie to find out exactly what makes her tick....
What are your three greatest qualities, Miley?
Miley Cyrus / Hannah Montana: Ooh, what a question! You know what? For me, one of my greatest qualities is the way I'm a very good friend. I've always had a lot of pride in being a really great friend no matter what. It doesn't matter if you're getting married or having kids or whoever you are, being a good friend is what you need more than anything.
Who taught you that lesson in life?
Miley Cyrus / Hannah Montana: My parents taught me that - and they're my best friends.
What are your two other greatest qualities?
Miley Cyrus / Hannah Montana: I also think I'm humble and my third good quality is the way I can make people smile. They're the three things that I take a lot of pride in.
Do you have any bad qualities?
Miley Cyrus / Hannah Montana: I have a zillion flaws! Sometimes I speak before I think. I'm very opinionated, but there's good and bad to that. Sometimes it's awesome, but sometimes it gets me into trouble.
Do you ever feel like you missed out on a normal school life?
Miley Cyrus / Hannah Montana: I do, but at least I got to go to a prom with one of my bestest friends. It was really fun to get all dressed up. It was cool and very cute, but I did think, 'I'm glad I'm not at this school because I didn't fit in at all.'
Did they play any of your songs at the prom?
Miley Cyrus / Hannah Montana: No, I got lucky. I was actually late. I was so late that there were only 20 people left at the prom. I was like, 'Forget this! I hate prom. I never want to go to another prom in my life!'
But do you dance to your own songs if you hear them at a party?
Miley Cyrus / Hannah Montana: Oh yeah! For sure. That's why I wrote them... I didn't write them for anyone else - I wrote them for me. That's the greatest way to find the music that you like - just write it yourself. I don't have any really good artists that I think are exactly the kind of music that I like, so I just write my own.

We've got a random question for you.... Do you have pets?
Miley Cyrus / Hannah Montana: I have six birds, two cats, 14 horses, chickens, cows, five dogs and five fish. And I love them all!
How would you spend the perfect girls' night in with your friends?
Miley Cyrus / Hannah Montana: I love sleepovers and just being with my friends and hanging out with them in general. I also love eating a lot of food and watching TV or movies. Me and my friend bought 20 DVDs the other night and then watched all of them all day. We woke up at 10 in the morning and watched them until 8 o'clock that night and just got up every couple of hours for a coffee or something, and then came back to watch another one.
What's your favourite time of day?
Miley Cyrus / Hannah Montana: Sleeping time! I'm usually so wired that it's lucky if I go to sleep. I'm always up and hanging out and having fun that it's hard for me to sleep. I need to sometimes, though.
What are your best and worst subjects?
Miley Cyrus / Hannah Montana: I'm best at maths. People think that's funny, but it's true. And my worst subject is science.
Do you enjoy shopping?
Miley Cyrus / Hannah Montana: Sure. Shopping is great! I'm a big jewellery lover at the moment. Jewellery is my favourite thing.
Can you tell us something that will surprise your die-hard fans?
Miley Cyrus / Hannah Montana: I'm a big tomboy. Everyone always sees me as this girlie girl [on Hannah Montana] but I'm not at all. I'm very into sports and riding bikes and motorcycles - they're much more my thing. I also love video games like Guitar Hero. I love stuff like that!
How can a tomboy love shopping and jewellery?
Miley Cyrus / Hannah Montana: I like dressing up and I like jewellery, but I'm like a tomboy because I love being outside. My mum always says, "Miley, you are going to end up killing yourself," because I am not scared of anything. Me and my little sister will race as fast as we can on our bikes, which is so funny. We're always messing around with each other. As long as I can make someone laugh, I don't care how bad it hurts. I can run around and run into walls and do all kinds of funny stuff. As long as my little sister laughs at me and thinks it's funny then I don't really care.
When it comes to tomboy fashion, how do you find the clothes you wear?
Miley Cyrus / Hannah Montana: It depends on where I'm going. Most of the time I just hang out in casual clothes. But if I have the opportunity to get dressed up, then I like to be bold, out there, crazy and fun.
Is it true you're going to launch your own range of clothing?
Miley Cyrus / Hannah Montana: Right now, we have the Hannah Montana clothing line out, but at some point I would love to have my own clothing line. I'd get it put out in my style because it's very different. I love starting new trends!
What would the outfits in your clothing range look like?
Miley Cyrus / Hannah Montana: I like to be casual but cute, comfortable and stylish at the same time. My fashion line would be young, but not totally unaffordable. It would be funky and look like it just came off the runway, but casual at the same time. I like that kind of stuff.
What's your top style tip for Miley Cyrus fans?
Miley Cyrus / Hannah Montana: I always say confidence is the greatest thing, so wear things you feel comfortable in. Whether it's sweat pants or jeans, if you feel comfortable then that's all that matters. I love wearing sweat pants. I feel really comfortable and good in them.
Have you got any other style tips for us?
Miley Cyrus / Hannah Montana: I don't think it matters if you're not into the style that everyone else is into. It's cool to be a little different. If your look is a little more rock and roll or a little more preppy, if you feel comfortable, then go for it.
Do you have a beauty regime?
Miley Cyrus / Hannah Montana: I do. I'm a big skin freak! I do my exfoliation at night and keep everything in check because I'm a big skin fanatic. I like to take care of my body, so make sure you take care of your skin if you're young.
What are your secret beauty tips?
Miley Cyrus / Hannah Montana: I don't like to put a load of chemicals on my skin, so I stick to a simple soap that's not fancy at all. I also feel that if you have a problem where you break out in spots or something, make-up isn't the answer. You're just covering your natural beauty if you wear make-up, so keep it light and gentle.
Is it true you've also got another movie coming out later this year, too?
Miley Cyrus / Hannah Montana: Yes, but the Hannah Montana feature film focuses more on the life of Miley Stewart rather than Hannah Montana. You'll see Miley on the farm and things like that.
Sounds interesting....
Miley Cyrus / Hannah Montana: Well, to do a feature film, we had to make sure it had a beginning, a middle and an end. There are plot twists and turns - and it's going to be a lot of fun. It's not just a two-hour TV show because you can do that on Disney Channel. It's much more than that. It's a much more organic movie.
What's next for you after that movie is finished?
Miley Cyrus / Hannah Montana: After the feature film is finished, it's back to work on the Hannah Montana show for Disney Channel. All of the gang are back together again for more fun.
And finally, we've gotta know.... Exactly how itchy is the Hannah Montana wig?
Miley Cyrus / Hannah Montana: It's bad. It's itchy for sure. I don't like it! Ha ha.....

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