Super Flu

Super Flu

Super Flu

Germany duo Super Flu makes a return to Australia in Anzac weekend 2013, courtesy of Melbourne's Thick as Thieves crew!

Feliks Thielemann and Mathias Schwarz – that's Super Flu! Welcome to a world where crispy baked bass drums give the keynote, where Momratzn twitch to tweaking hi-hats and speech bubbles wave-engaging basses to you! Do you falter on making a tough decision?

Super Flu recommend you garlic bread rolls and six-minute-boiled eggs! Is your equipment rubbish? Trust your intuition, tickle the max out of the old stuff and squeeze inspiration out of everything you can lay your hands on! Are you lacking ideas? Take your cockatoo's advice! Go on vacation and have some beer. Try, (you know, doing something you'd never do otherwise). Listen to Jazz. Tinker whatever comes to your mind using funny snack bar names, exotic instruments and kid's toys. Now with your best mate and at least one mutual favourite bakery, lots of Herzblut and a great Traum behind, nothing can harm you anymore...!

Thick as Thieves present Super Flu tour dates:
Friday 26th April 2013 SuCasa: 90 Crown St Wollongong, NSW 2500

Goldfish presents Super Flu
Saturday 27th April 2013
Goldfish: 111 Darlinghurst Rd, Kings Cross, NSW 2011

Summer Series with Superflu
Sunday 28th April 2013
Revolver Upstairs: 229 Chapel Street Prahran, VIC 3181

Interview with Super Flu

Question: What are you looking forward to about heading to Australia for the tour?

Super Flu: We are looking forward to play great sets, make the people feel good and enjoy the sun. It is amazing how the folks get into the beats there, fall in love with the music and party hard.

Question: How would you describe your music?

Super Flu: We try to produce music that gets to you on a subconscious level, in a very subtle way. We also like fluffy beats and good bass, which make you wanna dance and dance and shake your toes.

We also love melodies, vocals, guitars and hundreds of other self-recorded instruments. We believe we created our own sound over the years but we still try to spice up each subsequent track with something new.

Question: What's your inspiration when creating tracks?

Super Flu: Everything our brains record throughout the day. We also listen to all kinds of music from which we also get ideas and inspiration.

Question: What music/artists do you listen to when you are not playing your own?

Super Flu: We really love James Blake, Sigur Ros, Hjalmar, Coco Rosie and other not so well known artists. But in general we are into melodic, soft and emotional music.

Question: What's next? Tour/Album/Single?

Super Flu: We are currently working on a new album, which takes up most of our non-clubbing time. Our fans will be suprised with some of the sounds, which we are using. Our single „Va Ga Va Ga' also came out shortly. It includes a nice remix by our friend Ole Biege. And actually, we are very spontaneous – who knows, maybe we have another single prepared for you?

Touring-wise, Brazil, the US and Canada will be visited in the summer and we expect nothing short of a great time as all the previous times we had been there. Paraguay, Chille, Colombia will be towards the end of the year. Can't wait!

Question: Was there a moment you contemplated throwing in the towel?

Super Flu: Definitely not! It's simply too great to be able to do what we do. OK, sometimes it is hard to be on the road for hours, but this gives a great opportunity to catch up on all the other matters we have not had the time for.

And what we get from our fans, in terms of positive feedback, smiles, good vibes is unbelievably incredible. We would miss it too much if we were to change our job.

Question: What/who was your inspiration to go into the music industry?

Super Flu: Opa Herbert was the one who told us to get into music, because of our love for music. He thought it would be a shame not to share it with all of you. So, thank you, Opa Herbert. We love you!

Question: What is the biggest challenge you have faced along the way to your musical success?

Super Flu: Finding our own sound and managing to stay on top of our game, surprising our audience each and every time with something new.

Question: What's a typical day like?

Super Flu: Quite ordinary actually. Stand up in the morning, have some coffee, take a shower... Meet some friends, try to get some things done such as emailing around, listening to new promos and new music, smoke cigarettes. We usually check also on Opa Herbert to see how he is doing. We produce music till the early evening hours, play some games with friends, or sit in bar. We love to bbq.

Question: What has been your favourite part of becoming a music artist?

Super Flu: To see that people love what we do and let them feel our music which is entirely produced with love!

Question: If you could collaborate with another artist, who would it be?

Super Flu: James Blake, Sasha Grey and Coco Rosie...

Question: What is the story behind the band's name?

Super Flu: We get this question a lot... It actually means super foreskin leather uniform. You did not see this coming or?

Interview by Brooke Hunter


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