The Exotic Cosmic Sungod Summers Here Again

The Exotic Cosmic Sungod Summers Here Again

The Exotic Cosmic Sungod Summers Here Again

Review: Summers Here Again is an outstanding pop-dance track from The Exotic Cosmic Sungod that combines a number of different techniques and rhythms to provide an amazing beat. Summers Here Again is from The Wild West album that showcases the diversity in sound of The Exotic Cosmic Sungod. The tracks on The Wild West are undeniably unique and allow audiences to be lost in the rhythmic reality of dance, just insert the strobe lights and the d-floor will be moving. In one word: Impressive.

The Exotic Cosmic Sungod, The Wild West is available now.
Brooke Hunter

Interview with Kenneth Hodge

Kenneth Hodge is a very laidback regular guy carrying no grudges whatsoever and a great believer in Live and Let Live. Kenneth Hodge has been playing the guitar and songwriting since 1990 and fraternised with many local musicians over the past year which has helped him develop as a musician.

Question: Did you have any pre-conceived ideas about the music industry?

Kenneth Hodge: No, I have always believed it to be challenging but that is where the fun is.

Question: Do you write your own songs? What's your inspiration?

Kenneth Hodge: Yes I do write all my own songs. My inspiration comes from all genres of music, though the material written in the Sixties and Seventies by Carlos Santana and his Band would have an initial impact on me that would lead me to want to learn to play the guitar and write music.

Question: What music/artists do you listen to when you are not playing your own?

Kenneth Hodge: To name a few even though there are in fact numerous: Santana Sixties and Jimi Hendrix as well as seventies pop, jazz funk and the 80's, 90's, 00's Club Music.

Question: What's next? Tour/Album/Single?

Kenneth Hodge: For now as a solo artist there will be another single. Though, if I meet with any success there will be another album because the material is there.

Question: Was there a moment you contemplated throwing in the towel?

Kenneth Hodge: Since being inspired to learn to play guitar and write songs, I have never contemplated throwing in the towel. This is due too the fact that I derive a lot of pleasure working out new melodies and chord progressions and by doing so I have created far better compositions than the material released, I just have too finance the recordings to bring these new ideas to life.

Question: Do you prefer performing live or recording?

Kenneth Hodge: As a solo artist I very much enjoy studio recording.

Question: What/who was your inspiration to go into the music industry?

Kenneth Hodge: To be able to marry guitar, keyboard chords and a Club Beat similar to the tracks on The Wild West. As for inspiration, it has to be Carlos Santana and his Band and the guitar, keyboard and Latin/Brasilian percussion blend that they play.

Question: What is the biggest challenge you have faced along the way to your musical success?

Kenneth Hodge: The biggest challenge for me was learning to play the guitar and learning the numerous chord shapes.

Question: What's a typical day like?

Kenneth Hodge: Monday to Friday I will get up at 4.30am and leave home for work at 5.30am. I start work at 7.00am and finish at 4.00pm and arrive home at 4.30pm. After the usual ritual of washing, eating and watching the 6.00pm News, I will spend from 7.30/8.00pm until 10.00pm practicing and songwriting on my guitar. On weekends I can spend up to six hours on both Saturday and Sunday promoting my material via email to numerous DJs,Editorials,Clubs and Radio Stations in the hope that someone will find favour with it. In the evenings again I will spend time practicing on my guitar.

Question: What has been your favorite part of becoming a music artist?

Kenneth Hodge: It is the thrill of watching an idea that I have worked on at home for a long time come to life in a recording studio.

Question: If you could collaborate with another artist, who would it be?

Kenneth Hodge: I think it would have to be Carlos Santana and his band members, this being his keyboard players, bass player and percussionists.

Question: Are you single? What do you look for in a partner?

Kenneth Hodge: Yes I am single. I have no fixed outlook or expectations when it comes to the opposite sex. In my book the beauty of women lies in their absolute global diversity.

Question: Do you have a website fans can visit?

Kenneth Hodge: and a href="" target="_blank" rel="nofollow">

Question: Can you tell us 5 things required for a happy healthy & enjoyable life?

Kenneth Hodge: 1. As long as you are not interfering or upsetting anyone, do your own thing.
2. A good education in this extremely competitive world to make you broadminded and independent.
3. Do your best not to be corrupt or be corrupted because eventually you and your loved ones will be vulnerable too blackmail and other forms of abuse.
4. Only indulge in something that you are truly passionate about. Passion helps to keep you focused on your objectives.
5. We all make mistakes. Therefore never be afraid to admit your faults to yourself.

60 Second Quiz

Full Name: Kenneth Hodge
Nickname(s): Hodgee, Huggy and Kendo Nagasaki
Star Sign: Gemini
Music Talent: Thinking of melodies and chord progressions
Favorite Food: Chinese spare ribs in gravy, fried chicken, seafood and too many other things to mention.
Favorite Films: Science Fiction and Westerns
Favorite Actor: David Caruso-CSI Miami and Gary Sinise-CSI New York
Pet: I would love to have a cat.
Best Feature: My easy going nature.
Worst Feature: I am very shy.
Person You Would Most Like to Meet: Lucy Pinder and Holly Valance
Hobbies/Interests: Songwriting, playing the guitar and Singing.
First Job: Aircraft Cleaner
Are you a Pub, Bar or Club kind: I am more of a Club kind
What Can You Never Leave Home Without: Keys, wallet and tissues
What is the first thing you think of when you wake up in the morning: "I hope it doesn't rain on my way too work".

Interview by Brooke Hunter


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