Advice for Valentine's Day: Amplify Your Romance

Advice for Valentine's Day: Amplify Your Romance

Here we are again! The most romantic time of the year is back… Valentine's Day! New year, new partner perhaps? Or maybe this isn't your first rodeo when it comes to Valentine's day?

Whichever you may consider yourself, why not take it to the next level this year. Here are our top tips to amplify your romance this Valentine's Day and make it one you'll both remember.

1. Be Loving

Many people lose focus of what Valentine's Day is really all about; the celebration of love.

Instead of spending time on showing love to their partner, people spend time showing the world what 'amazing things' they were up to on Valentine's Day.

It is tempting to share the great lengths you went to to spoil your partner but don't overdo it. Try keeping the focus on your partner exclusively. The gram can wait!

Here's a few tips to make the most out of your Valentine's Day:

- Forget distractions:
Reconnect to the things that attracted you to your partner. Keenly observe your partners quirky yet adorable traits, spend time engaging in deep conversations and spend time in each others arms.

By checking your phone regularly while you are with your partner, you show what your priorities really are.

Make sure your partner is your number one priority.

- Ask your partner what they desire
Everyone has desires, and it's usually a tight kept secret. By asking your partner what they truly desire you build a closer bond and become united in the notion that you have the mutual knowledge of a secret.

- Cook your partner a meal
If you're thinking of reserving a seat in a fancy restaurant, you probably might want to forget that.

Cooking your partner a meal is one of the most loving, romantic gestures. When you create something from your own hands and share that with your partner, you create affection and friendship.

"Food is symbolic of love when words are inadequate."

- A lan D. Wolfelt

2. Be Bold

Sometimes our partners want to be stunned and excited. Love is spontaneity. What better way to show love then through a big gesture.

Take the example of Casanova;
He rented a stylish 5 bedroom apartment, met his lover by the pier as she stepped off a gondola. They shared a meal of smoked duck, drank some fine wine, and obviously the lady found him irresistible.

While you may be unable to grant your lover a 5 bedroom apartment, you may be able to grant your lover a Bouquet of 99 Roses.

3. Be Unique

Sometimes you don't need to be bold and spontaneous, sometimes it's the small sentimental gifts and gestures that matter.

Modern society has put the focus on expensive gifts as an important factor of love. When in fact love really is just emotions and meaning from one person to another.

What does your relationship mean to you?
- Write a few lines of affection and romance from the heart signifying what your relationship means.
- Give sentimental gifts. Some gifts are special to some people. It could be an antique book from a favourite author, or it could be a special food from a special restaurant, or it could be a vinyl from their favourite musician
- Do something different for Valentine's Day. Be creative, take your partner on an adventure, and you will relish the memory forever.

I hope I have given you inspiration to have a memorable Valentine's Day this year that you will cherish for years to come.


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