RSVP singles vote on all things sexy in sport
The Australian Football League (AFL) is the sexiest football code in Australia claiming victory over the National Rugby League (NRL), Soccer's A-League and Rugby Union according to a survey conducted by online dating site The AFL uniform has also been voted the sexiest sports uniform by female singles according to the survey.
In light of the World Cup and current finals season, Australia's largest singles website, RSVP, conducted a survey among its members and guests to gauge their opinions about connections between relationships and sport.
Surfing and tennis have overtaken AFL as the sexiest sports overall after AFL was awarded the top spot in last years survey.
"With the impending AFL and NRL finals this weekend, sport seems to be on everyone's mind," Lija Jarvis, relationships and dating expert, RSVP said. "Even in dating sport provides an avenue for some friendly competition between couples."
Russian athletes are the top three sexiest female athletes as voted by RSVP male singles. Tennis sensations Anna Kournikova and Maria Sharapova were voted sexiest and second sexiest respectively with former pole-vaulter Tatiana Gregorieva coming in third.
RSVP single females, however, look more locally when it comes to sexiest male athletes with former Australian tennis athlete and Bonds model Pat Rafter voted the sexiest male athlete. British soccer player David Beckham and American tennis player Andy Roddick came second and third respectively in the same category.
"Sport often provides a common interest for singles and is one of the most populated areas on RSVP profiles. Sporting venues in particular are also a great way to meet like-minded people."

The beach was voted the best sporting venue to find a date followed by the gym and the ski fields. AFL and NRL matches were voted fourth and fifth best in finding a date.
Other findings from the survey include:
Just over one third of respondents would give up a date to watch one or both of the AFL and NRL finals.
75 per cent of singles think that going on a first date is more stressful then watching their favourite team play in a final.
While females voted the AFL uniform as the sexiest uniform, males chose the beach volleyball uniform as sexiest.
37 per cent of respondents stated that they would be annoyed if their partner had no interest in sport.
"Watching sporting events isn't the only way to meet potential dates that share a common interest. Participating in a sporting activity is also a great way to meet such singles."
RSVP holds social sport activities such as tennis, golf and canoeing encouraging singles to not only participate in these activities, but to meet other singles with similar interests.
RSVP proudly supports the McGrath Foundation's Naked for a Cause.
RSVP is celebrating 10 years of online dating in 2007!