Writer - Annemarie Failla
Singing siblings Sharon and Christine Muscat, a.k.a Sister2sister, are the latest Australian teens to be living their pop dreams. With hit singles "Sister", "What's A Girl To Do?" and their latest offering "Too Many Times", Sister2sister are now getting ready to embark on an upcoming American tour as support act to Britney Spears. GIRL.COM.AU caught up with the lovely young gals during the recent launch of their debut album 'ONE'.
Name: Sharon Muscat
Age: 15 yrs
Star Sign: Leo & Virgo
Fave Food: Japanese and Ice cream
Fave Band: TLC
Fave Colour: Blue
Fave Animal: My Dog 'Snowy'
Person you'd most like to meet: Mariah Carey and Britney Spears

Name: Christine Muscat
Age: 19 yrs
Star Sign: Pisces
Fave Food: Japanese and Sticky-date Pudding
Fave Band: TLC and Destiny's Child
Fave Colour: Blue and Purple
Fave Animal: Dog
Person you'd most like to meet: Mariah CareyGirl: Who have been your major musical influences?Sharon: Growing up our musical influences were Mariah Carey and Whitney Houston but nowadays, we listen to groups like TLC and the Backstreet Boys.
Girl: Is it important to you girls to write your own material?Sharon: It is really, really important to us. Everyone puts their importance on something and for us, it is writing and singing music.
Girl: Now that you are both living your dream of being professional singers and songwriters, is it exactly as you imagined it would be like?Sharon: To be honest I've never really thought of the whole popstars and being famous aspect, as far as I'm concerned, I am kind of just doing my thing. I'm singing and I get to perform to other people so I've never really imagined it to be glamorous, it was always just a gig and that is what it is. Having said that, it's fantastic though.
Girl: Do you enjoy being on the road and performing?Sharon: I love it, I am 15 and Christine is 19 and we've been to the UK and to America - we're seeing the world, so we definitely love it.
Girl: What was it like touring with Five in the UK?Sharon: It was amazing, the guys are so hot! Christine is obsessed with J! (laughs) Overall the five guys were very sweet and they always went out of their way to say "hi guys, how you doin'?" So they were really good and the tour was great.
Girl: Were you surprised when your first single 'Sister', recently released in the UK, debuted in the Top 20?Sharon: Definitely, I think to do well at home is amazing for us, so to debut in the Top 20 and do well Overseas - we can't even believe it! We were just excited to be there in the first place, let alone actually have the single do well. When it debuted at Number 18 it was like all the work had partially paid off, as this is what we had been working for. We're still working really hard though and we're not going to stop.
Girl: Take us through a typical day in the life of Sister2Sister.Sharon: A typical day involves a 6.00 am start, followed by a workout at the gym. We then head home where it takes an hour for hair and makeup; jump in the car and head to a radio station for an interview; followed by another radio station; in between stations do a telephone interview with a magazine or website; we may perform at a school as part of a competition; stomach some very quick breakfast bars for lunch; do a gig at night, get home, have some sleep and do it all over again!
Girl: That all sounds like fun! 
Sharon: It is a lot of fun, it can be hard work sometimes but we love it that is for sure!
Girl: Being in the world spotlight now, how are you handling the fame? Sharon: I don't know, it doesn't feel like we're handling anything. As far as we are concerned, we're just doing our thing. Yes people come up to us, we sign autographs and it's amazing and we're so lucky that people actually want our autograph in the first place, but we don't see ourselves as being famous.
Girl: Do your parents accompany you on your world travels?Sharon: Definitely, mum and dad are with us all the time, we totally love it. I suppose you can tell from the first single "Sister", that Christine and I are quite family orientated, so having mum and dad around is really important to us.
Girl: Your current debut album is titled "ONE". Is this title significant in any way? 
Sharon: The main thing is that it is our first album so the title is appropriate. The second reason is when we were recording the album, everyone we worked with couldn't believe we were two people. They would comment that Christine and I sounded like one person and they couldn't tell our voices apart, so they used to call us 'One' all the time.
Girl: How much creative control do you have over the direction of your music career?Sharon: We have a lot of creative control because we write the music but having said that, we have a fantastic management and record company who are very supportive of us and they've been great. So it is definitely a group thing but we have a big say in what we do.
Girl: What would you like your fans to gain from your music?Sharon: I think what we want out of it is to basically make people happy, and to put a smile on their faces.
Annemarie Failla